How does what Jews teach about keeping the commandments of Noah compare with what Jesus said?
Jews teach that anyone that keeps the commandments of Noah will have a place in the resurrection. Jesus said that to have eternal life you must keep the commandments.
Mat 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? Mat 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments
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Our souls are good, they are in the image of God according to Torah. JC may have gotten edited during the 100 years before what was said was written down, so who knows. If he is quoted as saying anything contrary to our souls being in the image of God, it is obviously wrong.
Keeping the commands was never "salavation" as an end as Christians pretend it to be. Keeping the commands makes us holy, set apart, so we can know God and partake in the Olam Haba, the World to Come, the resurection, even now in prayer and meditation. Perfection, maturation is an ongoing process. It is God, and only God (not a son or an angel or messiah) that is Eternal and Living, and our connection to that which is important.
Jews say in Talmud that righteous Gentiles have a place in Olam Haba, not because they keep the Noahide laws perfectly rather because they keep the Noahide laws out of a love and knowing of God. It's not magic or voodoo or anything too hard that only superman can do. It's real simple.
JC's commandments are quite different from Noachide laws. He demands from his followers a perfect faith in his divine being, and the gift of life he promises is solely reserved to whoever "drinks his blood and eats his flesh", as said in the Gospel of John (chapter 6). When JC talks about commandments, he doesn't mean the same thing at all as Jews. Your question is a mere play on words. .
No. the ten commandments are the middle of the previous covenant made between God and Israel. No Christian exchange right into a party to that covenant. additionally, Jeremiah financial ruin 31 announces the hot exchange into to no longer be like the previous covenant made with Israel. The "regulation" written on the middle is the Holy Spirit. the middle of flesh that replaces the middle of stone is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit courses the Christian, and not a written code. it extremely is a "regulation" of religion, expressed with the aid of love. .
The Jews are under The Law of Moses, i.e., the Levitical Law. That includes 613 ordinances to govern behavior and interpersonal relationships, and the worship of God.
Jesus clarifies, and simplifies things greatly, but the 10 Commandments stand firm: Matthew 7:12.