As a brief backgrounder, God gave Daniel 7 to the author Winston Kayanan from the Philippines to decode & interpret its true meaning on June 28, 2004. The author later dubbed it as the World’s 3rd Interpretation of Daniel 7 after comparing it with the Catholic Church’s & USA’s 1999 versions. The Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines was sent a copy on the following day by mail. Thereafter, some 30 foreign governments through their embassies here in the Philippines were likewise informed of this revelation, i.e., concerning the 4 councils of the United Nations as the 4 beasts in Daniel’s vision. The people in the net (environment category) were the last to be informed beginning April 2009 & onwards.
In September, October & November 2011, God gave Genesis 1-3, 2nd Peter 2-3 and Revelations 1-22 to the same author for interpretation respectively. What do these mean? The author’s interpretation of Daniel 7 began in June 2004 and hence, the start of its 7th year anniversary was last June 2011. God must have used these 7 years as His grace period to the world before He stormed the author with 3 more prophetic words to interpret. This would further mean that God is already serious in His message in Daniel 7. The author then consolidated the 3 Books with Daniel 7 and released an 85-page article, entitled: “Word of God in the 21st Century – Explained”, now circulating via emails to avoid censorship.
Since God is already serious, the people are given the right to know as to what God will do. The following is God’s pre-conceived plan in Revelations (to be executed probably before the 7 years grace period of Daniel 7 will end), to wit:
REVELATION – CHAPTER 4: John is describing the throne of God. In here, God has set up a tribunal for the presentation, prosecution, impeachment & sentence of the offenders on earth.
REVELATION – CHAPTER 5: Our Lord Jesus Christ came & took the Book with seven (7) seals as the tribunal’s judgment.
REVELATION - CHAPTER 6: Christ has opened the 6 seals, revealing the following, to wit:
1. First Seal (described as the white horse) – Trusteeship Council of UN
Given Clue: “He was crowned, and he went out as a conqueror to continue his conquest.”
Verdict: For termination but allowed to stay until it reached the Thousand Years.
Note: Though the verdict is not mentioned here, it appears in Daniel 7. It is the third beast (described as leopard with 4 wings).
2. Second Seal (described as the red horse) – Security Council of UN
Given Clue: “Its rider was ordered to take peace away from the earth, that people might kill one another; so he was given a great sword.”
Verdict: Same as the Trusteeship Council.
Note: This is the second beast (described as bear) in Daniel 7.
3. Third Seal (described as the black horse) – International Court Council of UN
Given Clue: “. . . and its rider held a balance in his hand.”
Verdict: Same as Trusteeship Council & Security Council.
Note: This is the first beast (described as lion with eagle’s wings) in Daniel 7.
4. Fourth Seal (described as the pale or green horse) – Economic & Social Council of UN
Given Clue: “He was allowed to utterly destroy by sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts a fourth of the inhabitants of the earth.”
Verdict: For immediate termination – anytime.
Note: This is the fourth beast (fearful & extraordinary strong) in Daniel 7.
5. Fifth Seal – These are great servants of God who devoted & sacrificed their life for God reckoned from Old to New Testament. They were told to wait for a few more since this generation will further produce servants.
6. Sixth Seal – The Coming of the Son of Man. Christ will execute the verdict on the 4th seal per Daniel 7: 26 & God’s wrath on people as consequences of failure of the Catholic Church per Rev. 19 (second part).