What is the worst freeway you've been in?

What is the worst freeway you've been in???Mine is on the 91 fwy in Southern California.Between Orange County & Riverside County .What would sometimes take me 30 min. ,have taken me 3 1/2 HOURS !!!!!!!! OR MORE!!!!!


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For me it was the 405 in Southern CA driving from Torrance to the campus of UCLA. I did not expect so many cars to be on the highway on a Saturday at 8:00 am. I told one of my customers out in LA about the 405 and she told me they call it the 405 because you are sitting in traffic for 4 or 5 hours.


Pittsburgh PA when a snowstorm came up hard took 6 hours to do a normal 20-30 min drive


Mine is the I-95 in NYC (Cross Bronx EXPWY) in November of 07 or 08. There was a huge accident somewhere in CT that backed up traffic for SO LONG. I was stuck for at least 6 hours. Like, I could literaly step out out of my car, have a cigarette, and shoot the sh** with the guy PARKED in front of me. It was horrible. I read on a news website that a tractor trailer got into a collision with a exit median causeing cars to pile up. They said traffic was backed up all the way from NH to NJ.


The Eisenhower Expressway (I-290)...it links the western suburbs to the loop. 2 of the 20 worst intersections in the US are linked to this parking lot.