A reoccurring Dream experience?

I am always searching for something, be it a key, my bed or my house to only mention a few. What does this mean?


Favorite Answer

You often lose your keys under your bed, which is in your house.

Problem solved!


i can relate. i am always in a house, never my own but always some alternative home that is mine- always going through the rooms looking for someone, trying to ditch someone, trying to find something.
and i can't seem to walk like a normal person, and forget running. my legs go to jelly. like last night i had a dream that i received a phone call from a friend saying where the heck are you. we were supposed to hang out!
so i began trying to gather up the people to go with me and they were lagging on the computer and so i screamed at them and they gave me a dirty look, so i left the house by myself and couldn't get across the street without falling to the ground and lying there for a second. it kept happening and i was really frustrated.
then i kept trying to dial a number on a cell phone but the keypad was too sensitive and it kept typing extra digits so i'd have to erase it and start all over. there was this sense of urgency like i was going to miss something important if i didn't find my friend asap.

anyways, i woke up feeling tired from worry and effort. i wish i knew why i have these kinds of dreams so often....it must mean some attitude i have in real life is causing me to stress over little things, just like i do in my dreams. ...


Dreaming of a past situation implies that you have not yet learned from your past and seem to be making the same mistakes.

To dream of the future generally indicates that you need to take more control of your life. This dream shows you are aware of a number of tasks that you need to complete in your life. Dreaming of the future highlights events which are likely to happen. Sometimes this dream is only symbolic, meaning that you need to be in a position of observation when dealing with others.

To dream that you are on a date represents your need for self-discovery and self-awareness. You are getting to know some hidden aspects of yourself and acknowledging your hidden talents. Alternatively, it may reflect your anxieties about dating or finding acceptance. The dream may also be a “rehearsal” for an actual date you have.

Searching for something you've lost can mean that in real life you're feeling you've lost—or are afraid to lose—whatever that item represents.

-Keys are important objects in one’s life, for they have the ability to unlock things and divulge treasures hidden away from us. In dreams, keys may be representative of your self-identity or soul. Thus, to see yourself losing keys in a dream, it suggests that you feel like you are losing a part of yourself. What once used to be unique and individualize you from others is now lost. You fear that you are losing your current status and position in the world.

This may also be symbolic of you losing the shield that sheltered you from others since the keys to unlock this barrier are no longer in your possession. As a result, you feel vulnerable and are scared that people will take advantage of you. Losing keys in your dream may rival your feelings of losing connection with loved ones and your social network is slowly dimming down.

- A bed is a place where you go to relax and to sleep after a long, hard day, so a bed in a dream symbolizes rest and relaxation

- Houses in dreams generally symbolise individual people. Usually that person is yourself. It may symbolise some important issue maybe concerning your health, your work or relationships. The dream will show how you are adapting to the changing circumstances around you. Sometimes the dream maybe specifically about your approach to something.

The repetitive patterns in your dream reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in your waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled. Some urgent underlying message in your unconscious is demanding to be understood.

Recurring dreams are quite simply your mind trying to get you to pay attention to something important! They hammer away with the same message over and over again - often for years, trying to get you to take notice. They are often the dreams that affect us and confuse us the most, as well as being exceptionally vivid. You can experience intense release, relief, calmness, clarity and peace once you have understood the message. Your life will change because something inside has moved on. Once you have understood what your recurring dream is telling you, you will find you do not have it again.


I've had a dream like that, multiple ones in fact!
One was really frightening, my life depended on it.

Maybe there is something you're missing in your waking life. Time for some soul searching