Jewish interest –Does my reading of Daniel’s book 7 seem sound?
The other day one of the Christian Yahoo posters who call themselves “Messianic Jews” focused our attention on Daniel’s book 7 – and so I read it with more attention than usual – coming up with some very exciting details.
I will simply paraphrase – and you can look up the actual verses.
“one like a man comes flying through the clouds to stand before God”
God forbid anyone should say there is more than one God – thus this one is clearly not divine.
But likewise – he is not a man. He is “like a man” and flies through the clouds.
Who is one that is not human but “like a man” and flies through the clouds –and moreover, the precise language is “like a son of a man” - clearly this is a reference to Kal El who is not human but is “like a man” and moreover very specifically “like a son” to the man Jonathan Kent.
Now – when it says in 13 that he comes before God, reading together with 7:9 – we see specificaly that he is presented before the throne of God.
And we know that “Throne of God” has two meanings –
“the throne, on which is written Yaakov” – ie: it is a reference to the Am Israel.
We see that Kal El was first presented to b’nei Israel (specifically to the two naviim Siegel and Shuster) in 1933 – precisely at the start of the great Hurban of Europe – as many of our modern sages have rightly noted - clearly the start of “the birthpangs of the moshiah”
But a second (and probably more important meaning) – “the throne” is another term for the Shekhina.
And so, as revealed to the Novi, Peter David in 1996, this is a clear reference to Supergirl.
So – the prophesy is clear that Superman will first defeat the beasts described in the first verses of book 7 of Daniel, then he will join forces with Supergirl – and that will usher in the time of the Moshiah.
Thus, it is clear from Daniel that, though the Lubavich Hassidim were wrong in identifying rabbi Schneerson as the Moshiah, rabbi Schneerson was correct that we are most certainly in the time aproaching the days of Moshiah –
And the Moshiah will most certainly be a Comics writer or artist who will first publish the afore-mentioned Superman story and subsequently become the Prime Minister of Israel who will usher in the time of the perfection of the world.
Parentheticaly -- this, ofcourse, makes clear the error of those Christians who say that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah – as this prophesy of Daniel precludes the Messiah at any time before the revelation of Superman in 1933 and the subsequent revelation that the Shekhina descended upon Supergirl in the later 1990ies.
@angels have the phone box -- you are wrong in the detail - but are looking in the right direction.
As all those who study Megilot shel Kal El will tell you, the vestments are not lycra -- they are a special fabric from his homeland.
Clearly, this is a reference to Tekheilet --
and not coincidently, while Tekheilet was taken from us at the start of the Roman galut, it has been returned to us in the past few decades -- and is being re-adopted by more and more Jews.
Most certainly, the return of Tekheilet is one of the positive signs of the coming of the days of the Moshiah.
@Agnostic Polytheist - "antiChrist" is a Christian term that can't even be translated to Hebrew. The whole concept is irrelevant to this conversation. Neither Luthor or the dog are adressed by this prophesy. This does not mean that they are not addressed elsewhere -- but not here.
@DS M - quoting Daniel 9:26 as a messianic prophesy you prove your tradition to be squarely from the Anglo Protestants who either purposefully or ignorantly misread clear Hebrew passages.
Not only is the Hebrew clear to those who know the least bit of Hebrew Biblical language, culture and idiom that this is a reference to a ruler who is destroyed utterly by God,
the Christian scholars agree on this with the Jewish reading -- and it is in fact the Christian scholars who attempt to specify exactly which Hashmonean ruler is referenced by this vision.
(for example - a commentary from "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops" has "the annointed" of 9:25 as either Cyrus or Joshua the High Priest and the one of 9:26 as Onias III)
The rest of your answer indicates that you have simply failed to read my analysis.