Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?

Gabby Little Angel2013-11-28T06:34:26Z

Favorite Answer

Great question.
Especially since the Creator of life, who has the ability to give life, raise from the dead, is so often accused here (by those who believe themselves to be more righteous than He, and who do not understand the difference between a godly person and a wicked one) of being a murder.

Fickle people tend to project that fickleness onto others, including the Creator who gave them life.

It is a thing incredible to me, that God has so much mercy to do such.


Could it be that no human ever raised the really dead and He has the ability to do that at will?


Because it defies the laws of nature....not possible....Mo University Lecturer Atheist


Because it would be TRULY incredible for an imaginary being to do absolutely ANYTHING.


Because, other than the fact that gods & magic don't exist, an "all-powerful" god wouldn't die.

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