My daughter moved back home with me and her attitude is dragging me down?

My daughter's marriage has ended and they have lost their home. she moved back in with me, her mother and I was happy to have them I am sorry for her that this happened but they will be better off without him. She has three kids who I love so very much. She had agreed to pay me a certain rent as all the bills nearly tripled once they came. that was a year ago. some months she has paid me so that instead of two payments a month they over lap so it is really three payments over two months. In the past I have just tried to cover the difference. Her father died 8 years ago and I have no job I am living off payments from an annuity my smart husband set up I get nothing like the money he used to make and my girl just does not seem to understand this. If I could I would not ask her a rent at all. They have nowhere to go and she works and would need someone to be with the kids. I cannot imagin putting them all in the streets but I cannot take this atmosphere much longer.

I love the kids and they are not the problem it is their mother, my child She was always difficult and stubborn and rather sour, very different from me and her father. Now she is horrible. We never talk and that is because all my attempts are rebuffed. She is angry all the time I can understand this. MY heart breaks for her but I did not do this. She should be angry at him. I hurt for her but I really can't live with her anger and attitude I cannot put them out so maybe this is just a rant.


When she moved in she broke my fridge. I could not replace it. She bought a small one that she put in the boys' room. She was late coming home one day and had not called so I cooked and was about to feed the kids. it was already 8pm and they are little. she came in and saw what I was doing. She threw a fit. She screamed at me Don't ever do this again. I said OK I won't and I haven't unless she calls but I was so very hurt by this and the kids were puzzled. She had done other things like t


Favorite Answer

She probably needs counselling. Maybe you could suggest that to her or at least she needs someone to talk to other than you. There are probably things she doesn't want you to know. I feel for you it sounds like you are in a difficult situation. Good luck.


I think you're a really caring person to take her and her children in and let them stay. I think you have done everything with their best interest in mind and you've tolerated a lot. This situation is unfortunate for her and I empathize with her divorce but she needs to respect you. I think children forget that their parents are people too. You have feelings, you have a life to live and your happiness is important.
I think you should tell her this in person as kindly as possible. There needs to be an attitude change and she needs to pull her weight financially. It's not fair for you to take in 4 people (although family) with little to no help and ugly attitudes. That is being taken advantage of. She's used to take take take and she needs to give also.
If she cannot be kinder to you and more pleasant and unable to pay the amount you asked, they need to go and they'll figure it out. She's obviously getting too comfortable in many ways in your house. Best of luck.


I'd be firm and tell her how you feel. Maybe a reality check is what she needs. Threaten to kick her out if she doesn't get her act together. If she pulls a guilt trip, stay firm and tell her it's not your problem, she needs to sort out her life for the sake of herself and her children. You will not tolerate the atmosphere and will not be used by a family member. Let her know you love her but she's a grown woman and she needs to start acting like one and show gratitude for your generosity.


She is a spoiled brat. No wonder she divorced acting that way. She is dragging you into poverty. This is not what your husband wanted. Something has to change. She must have child support money. Tell her to pay on time or else she will have to move. ( I know you wont make her move but maybe it will motivate her?)

See leVel2014-06-06T19:26:37Z

Your daughter is a spoiled brat who is taking advantage of her widow mother.
I would really kick her out and teach her to stand on her own two feet and take care of her kids.

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