having some serious bowel issues, help?
So long story short, I can't poop. I only seem to be able to go with a LOT of stool softeners or laxatives. My diet isint great, in fact it's pretty bad, but I'm working on eating more fruit and I've been taking fiber supplements. I took laxatives 3 days in a row now, and I never seemed really get cleared out. I'm so full I have this thing where my bowels are so full that it presses up on my other organs and causes chest and abdominal pains. I can't even really eat, because when I do I get pain in the abdomen and feel as if I have to use the restroom RIGHT then, and am sprinting around looking for a restroom. Basically, I need help/suggestions on how I can REALLY clear my self out, all the way, and how I can regulate myself so I'm not always in pain and having to rush to the bathroom at the Wor st times possible because I'm so full that even eating something small makes me have to rush to go. Anything helps, sorry this is kind of a unorganized post, I just am really desperate for some answers, I've been having these issues for months, even years and am really tired of. Thanks for anything!