I have a bump on my leg that is open now?

It showed up about a year ago. It was the color of my skin except a little more red. It was painless and felt firm but not hard when I touched it. Then a couple of months ago it started drying out and itching me after I put apple cider vinegar on it. Then a few days ago the surface peeled off. I knocked it with the vinegar again hoping it was just the root of a wart. This made the bump very raw and itchy and the skin around it is swollen. Yesterday it was very yellow and around it was black. Now it is like a crater with a white filling that won't peel away without extreme pain so I doubt it is puss. Though I have been keeping it covered and it is secreting a yellowish brownish fluid it seems. What could it be? I have a doctor appointment in a week but I want to get some ideas on what it might be.


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I'd guess a cyst or lipoma, though I lean more towards the cyst. The yellow and black is bruising, so stop doing what you're doing to it.

It's likely going to need a surgical removal. But to help you guess, is it soft and kind of movable to the touch? That's a lipoma. Hard and red, sometimes painful, very likely a cyst.