To Christians: Where does your scriptures say that the messiah has to also be G-d?


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I am sure they put it there somewhere, especially on editions that came after the Nicene Council, when they all agreed that was the best course...he was G-d, his own son who somehow stood in for a bull or something though he met none of the requirements to be a sacrifice because he was humans and human sacrifice is totally pagan and not Jewish) and a spirit all at the same time. Keep the masses happy you know.

I have read the "nt" but was too busy being aghast people could believe it and chuckling at the same time (pretty much for the same reason) that I cannot remember.

Odd how no xian has answered this. Kind of proves my point they do not really know their own faith.


Toda Feivel. That was the point of my question because I expected such a low response. You are right: they do not know their own faith. Though I believe much of the NT shows in it's content that it was written by Jewish writers, men made a whole new religion out of it which no one living at that time intended.