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Onanothertheredman, you may have been too bad to the bone. I had a comment that was too bad to the bone and yahoo was all like. "nah" so I didn't repost it
Son of T3
There are several fixes for this depending on the problem
1. Just refresh the page.
2. Log off Yahoo, clean cache, temp, cookie files from the system and reboot.
3. If on mobile, switch to Desktop mode.
4. Click the change/submit button 2-3 times, not just once.
5. Update Java/Flash if needed.
Well Carol, if I could comment on your answer I would but it will not let me. It will not even let me give you a well deserved thumbs down. I certainly have clicked on the "Comment" link and as usual get no response. I am not using a mobile device but instead a work station. How did you know that NO ONE can see a comment until they open it? You are clairvoyant? Good grief.