Do you think drinking too much green tea is bad for you?
How much would be too much? I drink about 1 gallon a day. It s Arizona green tea with ginseng.
How much would be too much? I drink about 1 gallon a day. It s Arizona green tea with ginseng.
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Arizona is full of sugar!! So yes, drinking a gallon of that is bad for you. I drink green tea where you steep the packet in hot water, with no sugar. 2-4 cups of that a day is okay, as lonv as your not dumping sugar in if
Moderation is key and Arizona green tea is processed. It's not strictly green tea that you could brew at home (which is also good for you in moderation.)
Your body processes anything that is not pure water as food. Your body needs water as well.
okay ill make it simple to much of anything is bad for you. but green tea is really good for you and it makes you lose weight. drink it only in the mornings or every time after a dinner, np
i actually just read a study that found that consuming too many antioxidants can cause cellular / DNA damage. regular green tea has EGCG, a really potent antioxidant that caused a lot of cellular damage in the study. IDK if Arizona tea really has a lot of green tea in its natural state
Jose C
Yes. Anything not done in moderation is bad.