How Do You Tell Your Girlfriend Her vagina Smells Without Hurting Her Feelings?

I have been dating this girl for nearly a decade. I notice that every time we are about to perform oral, Her vagina smells each time, and a very foul stench. I know that she showers but I don't know if she spends enough time washing down there. my guess is not. Every time we are intimate I just want to scream out, you smell down there, wash it better. But of course I cant since I want o spare her Feelings. How do you tell someone they smell down there in a nice way. We do enjoy showering together and I noticed that is only when she smells clean down there is when I wash it. I cant be there 24/7 and babysit her a bathe her like a parent. Please help.


You need to just be straight up with her. She also may have a bacterial infection, infections like that don't smell right after you shower, obviously, but within a couple hours it will start to smell again.

So it might NOT be that she's washing wrong... Perhaps she has a yeast or bacterial infection that's causint the stench.

At any rate, she deserves to know and you deserve to have it fixed. Tell her the problem. Also tell her that if she fixes it that you will reward her with lots of oral.

I told a girl that her V stunk last night, and she was a one night stand. She's still talking to me today and eagerly asking me to hang out again. Girls respect confident guys.

Also, she probably knows that she stinks. And she's probably secretly judging you and thinking that you are a wimp, for not bringing it up. Man up about it and politely but firmly demand something be done about it


Very good chance you are the reason unless you use condoms. Just saying, cause just reading this hurt MY feelings :(


You'v been dating for a decade? For ****'s sake just tell her her snatch is nasty, then.