what you be against this if you are the mother?

Let's say your daughter is 27 years old and she is sleeping with a 61 year old man.

Would you be against this relationship?
Would you be upset inside though you can't do anything about it?


Maybe she's got a granddad fetish? At 27, she's way old enough not to have parental input. The only exception would be if there is physical or emotional abuse going on with either party.


She is 27 and she has been an adult for some time now.the mother has no say in it unless she feels that her daughter might be at risk but then again at 27 you should know how to keep yourself from harm


No, she is a grown woman. As long as both people are 25+ I don't care about the age, there's other things to consider such as compatibility, and annual wage.




Yes I would be against it. The old fart better have a lot of money stashed away for when he croaks.

Katherine W2016-01-15T16:22:10Z

What do you care? Your daughter is an adult. Personally I'd think it's a little weird but it's my opinion and I wouldn't share it with her.

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