So what is the future of Christianity in the U.S?

What do you make of this study?


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Christianity is decreasing, atheism is rising.
The answer there is fairly obvious.


Pew News reports Christianity is shrinking with a corresponding rise in atheism!

Five times as many Americans in 2014 said they never prayed compared to those asked the same question in the 1980s

The churches own figures show only 28% who claim to be Christian ever attend church in a year. Indeed if 28% ever tried to attend church on the same day, even working shifts, there is simply not enough churches!

But count the bars - in many places there is more space in the bars than the churches!

Count all the seats in every church in a town and compare that to the population and it is very unlikely to achieve even 5%!

This is true right through the Bible belt and in Salt Lake City!

Go on have the courage to count the seats!

Then try attending a service in each church and see how many of those seats are empty!

Absolutely no surprise when you see the terrible intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by BAD Christians towards others that not only drives people further away from God but are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTI THEISTS!


So what is the future of Christianity in the U.S?

It's doomed!
But it'll probably cling on 50 years after it has disappeared from the civilised world!

K. Orrez2016-10-05T06:48:56Z

I skimmed the whole article and thank you for it.
The popularity waxes and wanes. We are currently in a waning phase. Christianity will never become extinct, but just how small it gets before bottoming out is anybody's guess.


The trend the last 20 years in America is a steady decline in people who consider themselves religious.
That will continue.

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