How difficult is Basic Military Training without conditioning yourself prior to day 1?


I'm a slightly big guy, computer programmer by trade, most do alot of lifting instead of running. How difficult is BMT without conditioning yourself prior?


You need at least 6 months of physical training before shipping out to recruit training.


You might be sucking air but you'll make it. Try not to be last everytime that's when you get picked on.................


You will be conditioned there. The thing you need to ask yourself is how hard do you want it to be? The better shape your in and the more you learn before you get there means that you wont be struggling as much as others. This means you will have more time to focus on other things besides recovering or studying, which will make it a WHOLE lot less of a stressful experience.


Pretty difficult especially if you are are not in decent shape. These days they expect you to be in fairly good shape already when you report for Basic. It was not always that way like when I went through Basic in 72. Back then they would build you into shape but the standards were not as tough especially surrounding body mass. I was a jock in high school and went off to Basic just a few months after graduation so for me Basic was a breeze physically speaking. That was good also because I did not have that aspect to worry about then. With the tougher standards these days a person is just flirting with disaster if they report to Basic overweight and out of shape.

Phrenic Dragoon2017-02-20T08:41:02Z

Very. It means you will have to work longer and harder to meet the minimum standards just to be on par with the rest of your unit.

You do NOT want to be the guy that causes your unit to work harder, run farther etc.

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