How come by total answers drops but points go up?

Often when I log on to YA, my total number of answers goes down even as my points go up. I have 6 less answers than I did a few hours ago, but 1 more point.

None of my answers are real violations, but is it possible people are reporting them?

No answers are offensive or non answers in any way.


i've checked there are no best answers that would give me points, but the answer count went down and my total points went up. I had noticed that happening and started writing down the numbers.


In my case my account is being reduced by ten points about every 12 hours. No "notifications". No emails. Just points being deleted. Always by ten. This has been going on for about a month. What kinds of authority do the "trusted" individuals have? I noticed one level seven's points were shown as "1,34,201" and I commented that to the owner. It was corrected a moment later to "134,201". If this is managed by a computer, why did a bogus number show up?

Son of T32017-09-02T02:10:24Z

When you answer violations that get removed, your total answers goes down, but you get to keep the points.