Is the Bible scientifically accurate?


Is the value of pi exactly three? Does the Sun revolve around the Earth? If the answer for those questions is "Yes!" then the Bible is scientifically accurate.

Ernest S2018-02-12T11:41:46Z

The Bible shows itself as God's word.

Proper examination proves it impossible to be the work of man.

You put the cart before the horse. You cannot judge the Bible by science since science is deficient, understanding of science is incomplete, and subject to changes and the things recorded in the Bible cannot be measured or observed.


Did you know that long time ago rye bread used to make people high and sometimes caused deaths? I think the people who wrote this book were on rye bread.

But seriously, people in old time didn't know any better. That book can be interpreted in unlimited ways and offers no correct answer. People reads it, understands in the way they wants to and that's called confirmation bias.

Chi girl2018-02-11T23:01:42Z

There's no reason for it to be. It's not a science book.


No, it is not scientific at all. The Bible is not a science book, and was written over a thousand years before the scientific method.

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