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in what ways is crack good for you?

i heard some good benefits from smoking it what are some others, please no negative comments.


i like that it cures depression and makes you feel less emotional

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's an "upper" so it can cure depression.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    There are NO good benefits to smoking crack.I am interested in these good things YOU have heard.

    I think the benefit is that although it ruins your life,it will eventually kill you so you don't have to endure your crappy crack-head life for long.


    Are you crazy??? Cures depression????? It may bring you up for a bit but, you crash down so hard!!!!! It destroys the balance of mood-regulating chemicals in your body. How can it cure depression when you lose everything and you are smoking under a freeway overpass in clothes you have peed on? That sounds pretty depressing to me. When I see someone on COPS get arrested with Crack, they look pretty depressed.

  • Moma
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Ohhh......crack is wonderful for you, it make you skinny so that you look like "skeletor" ,

    your teeth benefit too....they end up receding from your gum lines and end up looking like gnarled tree roots,

    You become so witty that everyone LAUGHS AT YOU !

    You become ever so popular because you will be willing to sleep with anyone who will front you a rock,

    You come into alot of material things because in order to support your habit you have to burglarize and steal from your friends and family,

    You become a wonderful person for your child to look up to,

    You really give your parents something to brag about,

    and you are sooooo lucky because you know how you will die..the rest of us don't.

    Source(s): Real life-where I work, I see them all the time
  • 2 decades ago

    umm, well it wasn't very good for me. It was really fun, but I wasted two years of my life. I don't know what good benefits you heard about it, but I can tell you from experience that the only good thing about it is the way you feel for about 20 mins, and then all the bad stuff sneaks in. If you haven't done it, please don't do it.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    If you don't have a crack, you will have trouble using the bathroom to rid your body of solid waste.

    Crack is dangerous--not beneficial. It alters your brain chemistry so that you cannot feel pleasure any more unless you have crack in your system. That either means no more pleasure, or hooked for life. It also kills.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well...the benefits of using crack SEEM good, but they really aren't.

  • 2 decades ago

    in the same way as shooting yourself on the foot...with no health insurance. in the end, you'll turn into a good bloody mess.

  • 2 decades ago

    It makes you feel pretty good but that's really about it.

  • Calina
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    There isn't ... I you can't restict answers to bias to one opinion ... Sorry

  • 2 decades ago

    It'll help you maintain your weight or even lose it if you're fat.

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