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does anyone else see a problem with oil companies making this much profit at our expense besides me?

"U.S. oil companies are reporting record profits even as motorists struggle to deal with the rising prices. Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips Ltd. and ExxonMobil Corp. combined to earn more than $15.5 billion in the first three months of the year."

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it's unfair for the hard working people here in America to be paying outrageous prices for gas.It's near $3 a gallon here in TN.I'm glad that I'm not working for minimum wage anymore, because I wouldn't make enough money to get back and forth to work. It's a shame that the president and the government is so money hungry that they won't give the working class a break.

  • 2 decades ago

    I don't know how the system goes in the united states, but let me tell you that oil has it's own organizations (like OPEC) which influence the prices, and many factors affect the price of one oil barrel, especially politics, it is not a domestic issue of the united states only, its all over the world. Recently as you seen there has been problems with Iran and this is causing some unstable conditions for oil deals, leading to the increase, and beside that Iran has decided to trade it's share of the international production of oil with the Euro currency instead of the dollar and that causes a problem to the dollar purchase capacity. One of the most important factors for the increase in the prices is the war itself. Now I read that president Bush said that it is going to be one rough summer! that is a good indication that the prices are not going to stay this way. Oil company's has to make sure they are not losing in the trade markets, so the best way is to cover the higher purchasing prices with an increase in the sales' prices, that's simply the concept of commerce!! But the best question shall be, who is more responsible for the increase beside merchants who seek profit?!

  • 2 decades ago

    I find it appalling that they're making so much money at our expense. The government should put a stop to it immediately. Too many people high up in the government have a vested interest in keeping oil prices high and thus gas prices high and it should be stopped immediately.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    yah i do i think it is rediculious!!!!!!!!! That is making our economy go down bad they should think bout this real hard. Some can't much put food on the table much less deal w/ going to work every day.

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  • 2 decades ago

    it should be encourgaing people to drive less - or get more fuel efficient cars

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    and the government wont do anything about it...Its really messed up

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