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Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of Speech used to be the freedom to express your ideas, including those that disagreed with the government, in an appropriate time and manner. How did it become the right to tape and show pornography, the right to use profanity on television, the right to run around naked, or the right to burn the American Flag (the last being the most reasonable)? What happened?


I'm not sure anyone has actually understood my question. Freedom of speech was NOT meant to protect these acts. That is also not saying I think they should be illegal, just that they should not fall under "freedom of speech." If we want to say that it is legal to produce and distribute pornography, that is fine, but it should not be protected under freedom of speech. Freedom of speech was meant to protect your right to voice your ideas, nothing more. It IS NOT the right to say whatever you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want. It is not meant to protect your "artistic expression" of your ideas. It is your right to civily voice them through language, whether spoken, or in the written word. Why have we muddled this freedom by allowing other things to be protected by this right? We should be able to make laws for or against pornography, profanity, or flag burning.

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It has shades of Grey is my answer,nothing solid to protect it sadly. There is a difference in something being censored because of basic human dignity, and something being ruled inappropriate behavior for a human being. This freedom of everything has taken away my right not to view pornography,not to be subjected to profanity and violence. Not to have prayer in my school because it offends someone! When it was a right and part of my freedom and my kids. My being offended by gross sexual content on regular televison,billboards,...who cares. The right to protect my children from pedophiles (that has been argued as freedom too, and still to this day.) Whos freedoms am I hurting here?Should your neighbor be able to build his house so high yours was obstructed,your gardens died, what if and no small if,it was ruled it was his freedom of expression and need for a tower, would you not want some rules? Something,someone to help keep the peace of your space? Should he be able to have rock concerts every Friday on his yard?,that could very well cover some of the "freedoms", this kind of "freedom"would not be so nice. Nor the freedom to say terrible things about you or your family. Successful society has agreed on rules or we all best find an island, in short supply I might add.

  • Andr
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Basically, censorship is passe.

    It is hard to morally allow some things on television and not others. We have seen brutal images from around the world for many years - in my opinion, worse than someone saying a simple word.

    Basically, it is difficult weighing up what should be allowed and what should not. So we should allow everything or allow nothing.

    People do not seem to have the same reservations that they used to. This comes with the times - a huge element of apathy is at work, along with the 60's ideology 'if it feels good, do it'. It is this last statement manifesting itself in our culture, society and psyche that has created all the things that you are railling against.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Presuming that I am correct in reading your true intent, I will offer my humble opinion.

    This day was forseen by all of the Founding Fathers of the 13 Confederate Staes of America.

    What was on the expression of each Founding member was the loss of sovereignty for the States in question, which from the lessons in history, and the intent of the Northern Congress, certainly led to the absolution of personal Freedoms.

    The Anti-defamation league has demonised all known advasaries while enjoying protection under the color of Law. known as "Hate Crimes".

    I threw you a ball. Run with it.

    Source(s): from what I recall
  • 2 decades ago

    I personally don't agree with any of that stuff, but in this country people have the right to say and express themselves however, whenever, and wherever they want. Unfourtunately that may cause offense to others but that is just apart of life. I'm not sure what happened but the best thing that those of us can do that are serving Jesus is to "pray and walk away". There are sick sad people in the world and yes they have the right to express themselves by matter how offensive it may be.

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  • 2 decades ago

    First of all I was going to answer your question, which is easy, but then I went on to read your additional questions. Don't think there's room on here to answer them.

    But back to your first question: Did we EVER actually have freedom of speech? I believe not. Governments bowed (but didn't completely concede) to freedom of speech..Big topic!

    Would love to discuss my views on your other questions, might we talk?

    Source(s): Insight gained from living a long life and having a sponge brain.
  • 2 decades ago

    If it's a form of personal expression, isn't that a form of speech? The question should be, whatever happened to personal discretion.

  • 2 decades ago

    "Freedom of . . ." is conditional, it is not absolute.

    If you seriously believe people have always had the right to criticize the government, you should study history.

    The Sedition Act, now repealed, made it a federal crime to speak against the US government.

    "The Sedition Act made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government or its officials."


  • 6 years ago

    yes what happen to my freedom

  • freedom is that do what's u want without that effect at somebody.

  • 2 decades ago

    its freedom of speech, remember we live in a democracy not a church.

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