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Karen H asked in PetsCats · 2 decades ago

Remember my 9 year old cat, diagnosed with bone cancer and needed leg amputated?

I took her in and got more x-rays and blood work. They couldn't find any more cancer. She was really hurting and dragging her leg. I had to make a decision. I finally had her leg amputated. It was such a hard decision. I thank all of you for your answers.

She came home today. I was going to pick her up to go upstairs. She gave me the dirtiest look and ran up the stairs on her 3 legs. I couldn't believe it. It was like, don't treat me any different than usual. The problem is, my other cats look at her and keep their distance. It's like they know something is different. You think maybe she just smells different from the hospital and surgery?

Other than her friends having nothing to do with her, she's doing great. I'm really glad I had the surgery and I hope I get to enjoy her for many more years. You think my other cats will come around?

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely. Remember, she has been gone for awhile. They smell different things on her, and they may sense that she is a bit different. But they will come around.

    Good job on saving your cat! I know that the decision to have a limb amputated is really hard, but believe me, she doesn't miss that painful thing. She will adapt, and will not look back. Your cat thanks you, I'm sure. Please make sure that you let everyone else you know aware of how good your pet is doing. Too many people hang human emotions on the decision to amputate, when the animals actually don't care that much, as long as it doesn't hurt.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Sounds like you did the right thing.

    She is probably just in pain and needs time alone. Just be gentle and quiet around her and spoil her a bit to get her affection back.

    As for the other cats, they will just need to get used to her again. She probably smells like the vet to them at the moment, and they'll keep their distance till this wears off. They may also pick up that something is a bit different with her but will get over this when they realise that it is their same old friend minus a leg.

    Good Luck

  • 2 decades ago

    Thank Goodness they got all the cancer. Your other cats are just put off by the smell of the animal hospital. In a couple of days they will come around and everything and everyone will be back to normal.

  • 2 decades ago

    Awwww, poor kitty! Cats do just fine on three legs. I knew a three legged kitty once and it didn't seem limited by that at all.

    I would be the other cats just know that the wounded one needs to be left alone and have time to heal. They'll come around.

    Best of luck to you and kitty.

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  • CF_
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    good to hear.. I think your others will be ok too...

    beaware that next to accidents, cancer is the leading killer of pets.. AND many cancers are speculated to come from ingredients in pet foods....

    particularly BHT and BHA (chemical preservatives)

    and Ethoxyquin (part of the by-product) which is present in foods that list by-product on the lables, a chemical pesticide

  • 2 decades ago

    we have lots of cats, and every time there is a new one, the rest are all curious and smell the new one, after that, they all go around with their lives.

  • 2 decades ago

    yes, your other kitties will come around, things are just a bit different now. so they need to adjust. scratch your kitty's cheeks for me, she'll be fine.

  • 2 decades ago

    your other cats mayb avoiding her cuz she looks different.

  • 2 decades ago

    yeah... they probablly will... it's just smell she's carrying... good luck with your cat!!

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