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Lv 4
Kayte asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What is everyones problem with Liberals?

Liberalism is an ideology, philosophical view, and political tradition which holds that liberty is the primary political value.[1] Liberalism has its roots in the Western Enlightenment, but the term now encompasses a diversity of political thought.

Why is that so bad?


Please give me a somewhat intelligent answer.

No because they are evil communists...

Update 2:

Oh wait only about 10 people on here have even an ounce of intelligence. So Im asking for the impossible.

All fair isnt it? Conservative hicks!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They hate us cuz we're beautiful lol

  • 1 decade ago

    The only problem I have with Liberals is that sometimes they are a little bit too idealistic

    Raising the minimum wage would be a wonderful thing for all people, right? Not really, because it would cause the economy to take a major dive and people would end up losing their jobs. Liberals don't seem to grasp that. People are not supposed to work their whole lives and support a family on the minimum wage anyway. I would rather support a government vocational training program that teaches people skills that they can use to get out of minimum wage jobs.

    Another Liberal concept that drives me nuts is affirmative action. Sounds good on paper, but in the real world, it is institutionalized racism. It perpetuates the perception that a minority needs to have special treatment to make it in this world. Somehow they can't make it on their own? Racism will never go away as long as people are treated differently because of skin color.

    Remember HOV lanes? They have failed everywhere they have been tried. People naturally don't carpool unless the regular lanes are so horribly jammed that they forced to. Hence, HOV lanes will never relieve traffic jams because PEOPLE WILL NOT USE THE HOV LANES, UNLESS THERE IS A TRAFFIC JAM IN THE REGULAR LANES. !!! It's a catch 22. Doesn't work in the real world. But that doesn't stop liberals from trying it anyway.

    Source(s): common sense
  • 1 decade ago

    The term doesn't necessarily encompass a diversity of thought, but the (especially right wing) media uses the term to apply to anyone who isn't a New Conservative. (Because the Old Conservatives were Democrats....)

    The use of the term so 'liberally' by the vocal right has created a trend toward accusation and simple, one line responses to problems, rather than real thought, which would require the speakers to think about who and what they are criticising.

    The truly liberal people should come up with a new name. I call myself a Localist, in contrast to the Corporatists, which pretty much encompasses all politicians today.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are against liberals, because the conservatives never had to depend on the government to eat. There opinions on society have been tainted by there parents and the media. As "free" as we like to think we are in America we're not. How far do you think our first amendment really goes and liberals challenge the government in favor of ALL people not just the wealthy or upper class. Conservatives are threatened that they will probably lose a few a dollars and that they will actually be treated like the rest of the public. They feel that because they have money, that they should have ultimate power. What I fail to understand is how rich people who never had a need or for that matter a want in their life can seriously vote against bills to raise minimum wage. This brings me back to my first point Conservatives are threatened by liberals, because they are power hungry, rich, inconsiderate, and plain old mean. And I am very sorry that these people run this supposedly "great" country. Because a country iz only as great as it's people and it's people are only as great as there government.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The word liberal has been so demonized by the right. Yet I bet most the people that think that way even knows that this country was founded on liberalism by liberals. The founding fathers were liberals. They wouldn't have the rights and freedoms they take for granted if it wasn't for liberalism. And do they know that by cutting down and bad mouthing liberals that they are doing so to the greatest liberal to walk this earth. I know this is going to hurt , but Jesus was a liberal!

  • 1 decade ago

    In a nutshell, some conservatives don't like having their points-of-view contradicted. They're afraid of change, especially the family values crowd. A lot of them are just stuck in a 50-year rut; they'd like to be able to go back to the days when men earned all the money, women stayed home and took care of the kids, the races didn't intermingle at all, sex wasn't talked about, and there wasn't any profanity or violence on TV. And they don't like it when people try to play with tradition.

    The conservatives who currently march in lock-step with the Republican party are just angry at people who are opposing the war effort by daring to bring in any kind of objective fact which says that the Bush administration isn't running the country as well as Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, et. al., would like people to believe, because in their minds such people are unpatriotic traitors.

    For more, see my answer to Anita H.'s question on this subject.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rush Limbaugh made the term "Liberal" into a bad word to my way of thinking, with his constant "Conservatives are good, liberals are bad" pitch. Listeners picked up on it and use it to demonize rational people on the left.

    In my way of thinking, there are true, open-minded liberals on this site who I've swapped ideas with (such as g up there), and then there are the extremists. I have no problems whatsoever with the true liberals - we simply agree to disagree, if we don't agree - and I just slap the extremists upside the head now and then. Of course, there are extremists on the right too, but you didn't ask about them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there aren't that many of them... 3 or 4 with the same tired repetitive questions... that are baseless and factless...

    ... it's far from policy based or reality based... they think that a "liberal" is a boogey man that comes out at night and everything that is evil is the liberals fault... it's really kind of funny... it's just the regurgitation of propaganda... but it's not even good propaganda since it's all sourceless and really has no base...

  • 1 decade ago

    They can't get a rise out of them my father is a Liberal in the true since he never tried to control me even as a child he is very open minded and educated.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's too enlightened for the crazy right-wingers on this board. They're frightened by something that requires thought, so they toss out hateful spews. It's all they can do. They should be pitied, not scorned. Although, I think a lot of them clearly need hospitalization, because it's not their philosophy that's at issue, it's their ability to relate to another human being in any way, shape, or form - a sure sign of mental illness.

  • 1 decade ago

    See how many different 'philosophical views' you can find between liberalism and communism.

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