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My a/c stopped blowing cold air. any ideas besides a/c guy?

Does anyone know how difficult it is to replace refrigerant in an a/c unit? Does it require any secrets or tools? HELP!!!!! Cant seem to get in contact with my landlord. Me and my wife-n-kids are dying of heat.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ceck the filter inside and clean the out side coil make sure the compressor is running leave the land lord a message that you are not going to pay your rent till it is fixed

  • 1 decade ago

    Jake & I had some good times at my little flat downtown by the el,

    but when the heat got too bad, I sprung for a window-shaker. There was no dealing with my landlord (he always wanted rent) so when we had to leave in a hurry (Jake's ex-fiancee' blew the place up !) I just grabbed the little a/c and we split.

    With the cost of refrigerant and service calls these days, that might be the cheapest and quickest solution for you, too. It won't cool down your whole house, but you can get one big room comfortable.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are 2 reasons why it stops blowing cold air... the refrigerant leaked out or your unit is old and the refrigerant is no longer active. Take a guess at which situation you have and count on it being the other, lol!

    Buy one yourself and take it with you when you leave.

  • yetti
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    you can't add refrigerant with out a license. You will have to call the AC guy....even if you can't get a hold of the landlord....I don't know what state you live in but some places you can have something fixed and have it billed to the land lord or pay for it yourself and have it taken off your will have to check the local laws to be sure have it recharged shouldn't be more the 500 or so.....

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  • aussie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You must use refrigeration gages and you must have a universal refrigerant licence from the EPA or you can get a $10,000.00 fine if you get caught

  • 1 decade ago

    Rinse off the coils witha good spray of water...Should do this at the beginning of each summer.

  • 1 decade ago

    check the filter

    Source(s): it hapens to me all the time
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