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help for weight loss?

ok so i have a problem wehre my body thinks im going into hybernations pretty much so no matter how much i excise i may only loos 5 pounds in 6 months which is my case i have giving up on it and i dont eat really bad i dont drink pop i only drink water its the only thing i like im a picky eater and eat healthy but i like my chocolate i dont exercise that much anymore and i am realzing im always tired and dont have the engery to do it anymore got any sugestions?????????

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if you tried for so long and nothin worked maybe you should go to a dietician and enroll in a gym to see changes.

    iyou also need will power

    if you don't have the time or don't want help from pros you should try being more active and change your lifestyle for good

    you can eat chocolate but not too much it isn't a meal it's a treat which you can substitute it with a protien bar or even better a fruit , carrots, celery , cucumber , or a handful of walnuts or almonds

    you can start by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables several times a day as part of your meals and snacks

    switch from food that is rich in fat , sugar, salt and white flour to healthier options that will give you more energy

    try eating foods rich in protein , high in fiber , low in fat

    try excercising walk, jog and/or ride the bike every day for at least 30 min ( try it for 10 min then take a break if you are tired then continue) , take the stairs instead of the elevator , play with your kids or friends some games a few times a week, walk the dog , go swimming / hiking / skiing, do some volunteer work ( skip the snacks). Al these activities if done frequently can help you lose weight and get more energy.

    you should also start doing pushups , situps and squats 3 times a week to become stronger.

    you can get ideas from these sites which help motivate all the time , you can read them when you're free

    good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you tried a cleanse? I've been trying exercise only for about 4 months and I only dropped 7 lbs. But with cleaning and exercising I lost 22 lbs in a month. I tried Isagenix 9 day cleanse. I'm going to do it again next month. My doctor recommended it to me for my weight loss. With a good cleanse you can lose up to 10 lbs in 9 days. And it's not just water weight. Just cleanse, eat healthy and exercise at least 1 hour 3 times a week. Even if it's just walking around the mall or the track. I'm now on month 2 and I've lost a total of 35lbs. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    The more often you exercise, the more energy you will have. Eat healthy, cut out all chocolate and junk food until you've lost the weight, and force yourself to exercise. You'll find that it gets easier and easier if you keep up the weight loss plan, and before you know it the weight will be gone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Exercising is the way to burn off those calories. Start off doing small amounts then you'll notice your body is getting in shape so you'll need to work out a little harder to keep your heart rate up.

    I walk on a treadmill at the gym that calculates what your target heartrate is while working out by figuring in your age and weight. It helps to have some music to get you pumped up, I like using an Ipod that you can clip to your waist or sleeve and exercise to music.

    Its nice to stay motivated to exercise by asking yourself if you want to be unhealthy and overweight or would you rather be healthy and fit.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ahhhhhh yes young grasshopper you wish to lose weight yes?Ok then i shall give you the answer to losing weight oh young one 3-8oz glasses of grapefruit juice a day =the loss of 4 lbs of every 12 weeks and if u keep this up young one you will lose your unwanted wait young 1hmmmm yess....

  • 5 years ago

    get an online weight loss buddy to lose more weight

  • 1 decade ago

    dont eat as much chocolate and eat healthy. stuffy like a fruit salad from McD's 4 lunch, some yogurt 4 breakfast and other healthy stuff 4 dinner

  • 4 years ago

    take a 30 second break in the middle of your meal evaluate just how hungry you still are before getting back to your food

  • Brock
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    switch from pouring your cereal straight from the box to using a measuring cup to cut your cereal calorie count in half

  • 5 years ago

    Sleep in a cold room Sleeping in a cold room is a best way to force your body to heat itself up for hours

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