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Besides going to see a doctor, does anyone know how I would go about removing a wood splinter from my finger?

It happened afew days ago. I thought I had gotten all of it but my finger is very sore and getting very red and a little swollen where the splinter went in. I would be very greatful for any suggestions I could try instead of going to the doctor's office. This happened 3 days ago. Thanks in advance.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    not really much you can do at this point besides seek medical attention-your body would have already removed it by itself. do NOT try to "fish or dig" it out on your own-you could push the splinter in further and could also introduce more germs to the area, making it more infected.

    from the sounds of it-the area has already become infected and you'll need to seek medical attention to have the splinter removed and get antibiotics to treat the infection.

    for now wash the area well with warm water and mild soap (dove or ivory). using soaps with dyes could further irritate the wound.

    apply a thin layer of neosporin to ward off any further infection and wrap the finger with gauze wrap to help keep it dry.

    take ibuprofen for pain and swelling. 200-400mg every 6 hours but no more than 1200mg in 24 hours.

    seeking medical attention is really important as the infection will not go away on it's own and could spread to the rest of your hand-causing severe pain and extensive medications.

    good luck to you

    Source(s): i work in trauma icu
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Use a sterile needle to go in and dig out the rest of the splinter. You can also trim away the skin where the spinter is with a pair of nail clippers. My concern though is that it is red and swollen which means it is infected and you need an antibiotic anyway so why not just let the doc remove it when you are there to have him check it and order your antibiotic? This is not something that will just go away if you get the splinter out. You symptoms indicate it is infected so consider seeing the doc for proper treatment.

  • TJTB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Try getting it out by diggin with a sterile needle or pin. Make sure you apply an antibiotic ointment to it first.

    If you can't get it out, try again in several hours, sometimes the agitation will move it more to the surface after a break. If that's still not working, then keep an eye on it and AS SOON as the pain gets worse or if you see ANY reddish lines forming around the area, go tot eh doctor ASAP. Those red lines radiating from the injury are the begining of an infection and there's no messing with that situation, but I think you can get it out with patience and a break in between tries.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I had a wood splinter in my finger about twenty years ago. I tried to get it out but failed. now this finger is pulling in to the palm of the hand and cannot be straightened. "dupytrend contracture". according to the medical proffesionals they do not know what causes dupytrend contractures. surgery is an option but they say that it returns 50% of the time. it starts with a noodule and develops cords. and over a long period of time the finger rolls up. I am thinking that a wood splinter in the finger causes this.

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  • You'll need a needle, sterilized of course, a good pair of tweezers, also sterilized, and paroxide. If you can't remove all of the splinter, you really do need to see a doctor. It sounds like it's already infected. You don't want to lose a finger over a silly thing like a splinter do you?

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like it is getting infected, so you will need to do something soon. If you don't get it out, or don't want to dig it out on your own, consider going to an "Urgent Care" or "walk-in" clinic which would feel less stupid than going to the ER for a splinter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to the drug store and buy some "Drawing Salve". Apply this to the area, it may draw the splinter out

  • 1 decade ago

    soak the finger in peroxide then let air dry and see if you still see anything in it if you do you might be able to paint it with nail polish and peel it off to remove the rest of the wood

  • KathyS
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Try soaking it for a long time. That may loosen it and it may come up through the skin.

  • 1 decade ago

    tweezer...just ask a friend or a relative to take it out for you

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