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I had a sobering experience last night and I wondered what you think about it? A friend of mine is an attorney

who is representing one of the marines at Camp Pendleton. He went on a fact finding mission to Iraq (something the prosecution is afraid to do) and he reported to me that the situation there has deteriorated so badly in the past 2 years since he was last there that he was under fire from the minute he arrived in Baghdad. He traveled to Mosul, Tikrit, Fallujah and met with the locals and took depositions and he returned to the US. He reports that our troops are under constant fire and that although they are highly trained professionals and good marines, they are scared to death and want to come home. He said that this is a civil war now and the US has 2 options, Kill everyone you see or get the hell out now! While I favor the kill them all solution personally, I think that it is time to get out as apparently Saddam was correct that the US doesn't have the will to fight the 'mother of all wars'. If Bush spent 15 minutes with this guy, the troops would be home in a week. What do you think


To those of you who asked, I am American and I do and have supported the war effort and our troops. As I said above I would prefer to kill all of them. I have no idea if he is telling the truth, but if you look up defense counsel for the marines, you will find his name. He is an ex-marine who has defended American soldiers for years and I have no reason not to believe him from experience. I am a doctor and I have nothing to do with the war. Look at my answers and you will see that I don't act or believe like the very liberal press or people do. To those who are angry with me for asking my answer to you is F U C K O F F!

To those of you who say don't tell what you didn't see, I would normally agree with you, but I was and still am concerned and his tale bothered me. The answer is So What, I'm not there, but I am not sure that if we aren't going to fight or that if we are going to fight with one hand tied behind our backs that we should even be there

Update 2:

Joe, you are a real dumb a s s, of course he has tapes and video, he was taking depositions while under attack! read the question

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    While I can't argue with any of that, I do need to say that I don't think a conversation about the situation there qualifies as a "sobering experience."

    A sobering experience is having your husband call you at 0300 (that's 3 a.m.) the Friday after Thanksgiving to tell you that his truck hit an IED on patrol the night before, but miraculously everyone -except the obliterated truck- was okay.

  • 1 decade ago

    He reported to you? Did he have any physical evidence such a tape, or notes, or maybe, *gasp* he made it up. Troops are nto under constant fire. The reason people belive that is because all they hear about in the news is attacks. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf had it right in the first Gulf War. He kept the media quiet and out of the war.

  • 1 decade ago

    I beleive your are right to suggest to get out!

    This is just as I have envisioned; there is no way to tell who is the enemy until they start shooting at you and that's no way to fight a war! We have nothing in common with our friends or a way to differentiate friend from foe.

    Our position is untenable!

    The other answer about Iran taking over Iraq is forgetting history, whereas, Iraq with the support of the United States beat Iran in a war back in the eighties.

    Source(s): History
  • gone
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My neice recently returned from Iraq after being wounded by a roadside bomb. Her "buddy" was killed. She told me that US troops receive an daily average of 1100 attacks a day. She also said some Iraqis are paid fees if they kill Americans. Also, a poll was taken by the Iraqi interior ministry that found that 60% of the Iraqi respondents agree that it is OK to attack US troops. Your friend is absolutely correct in regards to his findings. The situation there has deteriorated to the point that we are in the midst of a sectarian civil war between different Islamic sects who have vented hatred and revenge in mind for one another. We can't squelch the violence. It's up to Iraqis to do the job. They have their government. It's their war to lose, not our's. We did our job. We got rid of Saddam and the Baathists, Iraq has had 3 elections, it's up to them to build their armies and police forces. They once had the 4th largest military in the world. Where is it? It's time to bring the troops home. It's not a US defeat, it's a defeat for Islam and a defeat for civilization, as a whole.

    Source(s): My neice has volunteered to return to finish her job in Iraq, but won't return until October 2007. She's helping train a force of 6000 Iraqi troops.
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  • i love our troops and monkey boy does not deserve the loyalty that this guys show to this person and to this country. iraq had a president that for us was a bad guy .. yeah. but do we need to do this to every country in the world??? do we need to have our kids sent over there to die because his "dad" was treatened.. no i don't think so. get our boys and girls out!!!!!! i love them all and the iraqs do not deserve to be treated that way also, and i hear that "pulling out is not manly " talk since nam...if its so unmanly you go and fight and get shot at and tell me the same thing. its always the guys that are here that say that.. take a gun and walk a post.. then talk.

  • 1 decade ago

    * War consists of killing and being killed.

    * The Bush administration took the lives of those involved for granted.

    * Now that we've unsettled the entire region we have a duty to stabilize things. If someone crashed their car into your house, you'd expect them to assist you in fixing the damage right? To pull out without stabilizing the situation is even worse than the false pretenses in which the war was started.

  • 1 decade ago

    Being one who is in the sandbox now, if we cut and run today, we will be back here faster than a cat can licks its butt!! and the next war here is going to be a whole lot worse than today, remember that the Iranians have a lot to do with what is going...they stop...we's that simple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We need to let the military do their job. The last time we won a war was the last time we didn't care about collateral damage. (Hiroshima/Nagasaki - 1945)

  • I have no way of evaluating whether your story has any truth to it whatsoever, or whether you are an American at all.

    That's what I think.

    This report contradicts other reports, from NAMED sources, I have heard.

    Thanks for your part in fighting against our troops. NOT.

  • m c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Typical ambulance chasing attorney. I believe nothing you said, and if it came from some one else, you know that is called HEARSAY in court, which means it will not even be considered or introduced as evidence. So, case closed for lack of evidence.

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