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Lv 7
A F asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

One of our cats often keeps her tngue stuck out sometimes a little sometimes pretty far out. Why?

She also snores a lot - not at the same time - but I wonder if it has to do with breathing. She is 5 yr old spayed female and has done this more within the past yr than previously. She seems well, eats well is not alpha cat but can hold her own. It does not seem related to illness so basicly I'm just wondering about a behavior.


Thank you for your answers. To thiose who were concerned that she is neglected. She isn't. She has been seen by a vet and is in good health which is why this was asked as a behavior question not a health question. Unfortunately no one has told me anything about the whys of this behavior.

11 Answers

  • Rob
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had a cat whose tongue stuck out most of the time. I was told it had to do with her teeth and that it wasn't a problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    My cat always has her tongue stuck out, as did her father and her mother, but she is a Himyalyian, and her face is mostly Persian, with a very pushed in nose, and she snores all the time. She even makes weird quacking noises when she is awake. You say your cat snores a lot. I think it's probably because they have tongues that are a bit too big for their mouths,so they just sort of hang out. That's what my breeder told me and he said there is nothing to worry about, the cat is fine. Mine is sitting next to me with tongue out right now. She is 4 years old and has been doing it since we got her at 3 months old.

    Source(s): Breeder
  • Kris H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I had a cat who stuck out his tongue when he was relaxed. I just assumed he was content and was just letting his muscles loose and relaxed. Maybe watch her and see what she is doing when she is doing it or what kind of mood she is in maybe that will pinpoint why. Is she breathing through her mouth when she is doing it. I wouldn't think it is a breathing issue unless she is breathing through her mouth but it could be several reasons it's good to make sure it's not a health issue and other than that it just maybe a silly little habit like us humans kinda have silly little habits.

  • 1 decade ago

    the part about the tongue-she could be thirsty but if it happnes after she bathes then that can be normal. my cat has it tongue out sometimes but then he'll put it back in. the cat who does its tongue also breathes really loudly&snores too but the vets say he's perfectly healthy so it could be ok, but a vet should take alook at your cat 2 make sure its ok

    =D good luck!

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  • caz_v8
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Cats, same as dogs, do not sweat, their tongue hanging out is a way to perspire. It is normal, unless the tongue os discolored and they are looking ill, then go to the vet.

  • Chrys
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    maybe she has stomach problems...that can lead to breathing problems. Thats what Vets are for...Take your cat to the Vet...

    Your parents didn't let you suffer did they ??? Then treat your cat as well as your parents treat, have treated you...

  • 1 decade ago

    Its probably a breathing problem...take it to the vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe she is hot, needs water, food, or other feline needs. maybe u should take ur cat to the vet

  • 1 decade ago

    Is she too hot? Is she getting enough to drink?

  • CYP450
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Cats are weird like that.

    They do look stupid when they do it, huh?

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