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What do you think will happen to Christianity now that Jesus tomb was supposedly found and is in the news?

They are saying he had a wife and children, how can all this be explained with the Bible's explanation of him? I have always felt the Bible to have man made mistakes in it being translated from so many diffrent languages but, I have always stood strong in the belief that Jesus was the one and only one, The Christ son of God


I for myself would be interested in hearing or reading everyones opinion on this subject even if it is millions.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wow i totally agree with you. I believe in Christ - Jesus. I do believe Jesus is the son of God, but i don't believe some of the things that are written in the bible like how you said. I totally agree with you on this, i mean it would of being a different story if God/Jesus wrote it, but it was written by men which are translated in so many languages and i sometimes feel guilty about doubting it. Some doesn't seem right either way i know whats right in my heart and that Jesus is my savior

  • 1 decade ago

    If the contents found in those tombs are in fact the bodies of Jesus and his family, I think it would have an effect on Christianity, but I think most Christians..depending on the depth of their convictions would still believe anyway.

    Besides, isn't there a difference between the corporeal ascension and a soul's transmigration? To put it simply, can the sole go while the body stays? That's what we believe of mortals. Obviously, Christians derived that from somewhere!

    Even so, I feel certain that faith was a prime component to people's belief systems, even back during the time of Christ and it still is today. Christians believe in ancient texts handed down through the ages that say Jesus is the Son of God. Muslims say, Nope, he was a good man and a prophet but NOT the son of Allah. Mohammed is the true prophet. THEN you have the Jews who say, Mohammed and Jesus were nice boys but neither was was the Messiah.

    Then throw in the Buddhists, the Sikhs, The Hindus, the B'Hai's...and tons more faiths and religions I know nothing about and you've got a really big salad with every ingredient firmly believing it's the one component that truly makes the salad complete.

    Let's just play "what if" for a second kiddies and ponder this:

    Wouldn't it be an incredible reality to one day wake up and we all, as the Brotherhood of Man, believe in the oneness of the Universe. That God--the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent entity-- was, is and always will be the only thing that mattered? What if it's JUST God? What if we can all get into Heaven not only for believing in God but for living a God-like existence? Free from from disdaining others for being different...for thinking differently or looking different from others.

    What if Mohammed and Jesus and Budhha and Ganesh and Vishnu and that old Coke bottle that remote tribes worship in South America ALL turn out to be just mere components of the same God? I mean WOW!!!???!!

    Could we handle religious solidarity on a global level????

    If that were true, then that would mean for centuries now, man has been killing his fellow man in the name of Jesus and Mohammed??????

    Then we've been killing each other for what? Population control???

    I believe in God...maybe differently than your beliefs, but I know that I'm not perfect--far from it..I am the definition of a flawed, errant human being, but I do try to live as God like as I can.

    That means being tolerant and forgiving and until we understand that and start playing by The Rules, I really don't think it'll matter who or what is buried in that tomb.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This very question has been rolling around in my head all day. There are so many ifs, but what I have read about it is incredible. James Cameron knew the firestorm this would cause and it's reported that he has had the highest regarded experts in the world (archaeologists, historians, theologians, etc.) examine this evidence. He wanted to have all his ducks in a row before presenting this to the world. I can well imagine...

    Among Christians who do not take the word of the Bible as literal, there will be some elasticity I think and more of a willingness to at least explore the subject. But there will be a great many who simply will refuse to even hear about this. Evangelical religious leaders like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell will froth at the mouth and scream blasphemy. But these people are not fans of real science in any case and do not appreciate the Bible being too closely examined. Talk about a house of cards collapsing. IF true, this will change the world as we know it, literally. From Rome to the local churches in small towns. It is almost unimaginable to think of how those whose faith rests on Jesus Christ being the Son of God would even begin to deal with these realities - if they prove to be realities of course. Can they maintain that he is still the Son of God if it is proven that he married Mary Magdelene, had a child, and did not rise from the tomb? Your guess is as good as mine.

    EDIT: Serena, I would be interested in where you obtained this information, which website or magazine, etc. I'm interested in whether it came from a religious organization or a non-biased source. If you have the source would you please post it or email it to me? Thank you very much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing. The myths of christianity are just as specious as they've always been.

    As I wrote elsewhere today:

    1) To make a DNA comparison you need something to compare it to. Even _if_ there was a "jeebus" (which there wasn't) there's NOTHING to get a sample from for comparison and no known descendants.

    2) Whatever happened to the buybull fairy tale? The so-called "tomb" they claim to have found is a coverstone; where's the cave with the rock over the entrance? And since "god" stole the body after the burial, again there is NO source for DNA comparison.

    3) Where's the peer review? ALL reputable scientific and archeological research submits its findings to independent and neutral bodies for verification and adjudication. Cameron is acting the same way as Pons and Fleischman (the clowns who claimed they had "cold fusion") and Hwang Woo-suk (with his phony cloning "experiments"): all are frauds who sought publicity and money before they sought evidence and verification.

    This is as idiotic as the alleged "bone box" and "king solomon's stone", both of which were proven to be frauds. For the idiots who still believe the ossuary myth, the box and some of the engravings are 2000 years old but the "jeebus, brother of joseph" engravings have been proven to be less than 50 years old.

    All idiotic claims of "relics" and "proof that jeebus existed" are desperate and dishonest attempt to prove their religion is real by misusing and warping science. And before any of the "god"-fellaters (that's why they're on their knees in church) claim this is an atheist argument, understand the facts: many of the harshest critics of "historical christianity" ARE christians. The archeologists who have said the jews were NEVER in Egypt ARE christians who _wanted_ that to be true, but to their credit, they were honest about the evidence, which is more than can be said James Cameron and these other idiots.

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  • 1 decade ago

    HELLO- those men who say they found the bones of Jesus are the ones that are wrong- How can there be bones left of Him, who rose physically from the grave to give us victory over death. What will happen to Christianity? THE TRUTH WILL LAST FOREVER- the Word of God will stand. No matter what man tries to do to dispute the word of God and the truth about the crucifixion and the resurrection-one day every knee will bow to the resurrected Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well. Congratulations to Serena. She must get best answer. WOW. Nice name too. Its my wifes name.

    As to the question. Most people let alone christians would know that Jesus rose from the grave and went to heaven.

    Therefor how can there be any bones etc.

    I guess it is the devils way of discrediting Jesus as a fraud. Another way for Satan to deceive more people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read the Bible as well as the Hebrew text. Believe me, the history and discovery channel will tell you the earth is flat in one program, and then flip it to say its round in the next program. They do this for RATINGS. 95% of the crap they say has no basis except for a few extremists looking to get famous. If you knew the facts you would be insulted as to how far these facts are stretched. And if you believe in the bible you would understand that Jesus was resurrected and his bones will never be found.

  • dad
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Whats so neat about the bible and how it says to prove it is the inspired word of God, is that it tells us ahead of time what will happen. The above is already spoken of "we should expect this"

    it will be disproven with time as stuff like this always is. for each positive the enemy will try to introduce a negative as truth.

    The enemy cannot create, so sometimes he disguises himself as light, he can only "deceitfully" copy, not create.

    That light at the end of the tunnel ? "be careful."

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you actually think they have found the tomb?!! That is a bunch of crap. The next thing you'll see on the History Channel is they found where Moses is buried. Jesus Christ did NOT have a wife nor did He have children.

  • Serena
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No,that's not the way the Bible is translated.The Bible is translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek,with extreme accuracy.As for the tomb,serious archaeologists are very critical of the film.

    The most popular names in that era for males were:











    The most popular female names for that era were:





    In that era,21% of Jewish women were named Mary!

    There is no other DNA sample of Jesus or His family to compare the remains with!Allthe DNA proves,is that the ones in the tomb were related!

    Jesus' family were not even from Jerusalem.Jospeh's home he grew up in was in Bethlehem,and Jesus and his family lived in Galilee.Why would they be buried in Jerusalem,where they had no connection?

    There is absolutely no evidence supporting the idea that Jesus was married or had a child,biblical or non-biblical.

    The ossuaries that mention Mary,do not have any other descriptive features.They simply say 'Mary'.

    The 'James son of Joseph,brother of Jesus' ossuary,which the makers of this film used to try and back up their claim,has been proven to be a forgery.

    The main scholar who is the source for the story does not think it is Jesus' tomb.

    Says Bar-Ilan University Professor Amos Kloner,"..those were the most common names found among Jews in the first centuries BCE and CE"

    Prof. Amos Kloner, the Jerusalem District archeologist who officially oversaw the work at the tomb in 1980 and has published detailed findings on its contents, on Saturday night dismissed the claims. "It makes a great story for a TV film," he told The Jerusalem Post. "But it's impossible. It's nonsense." “"They just want to get money for it,"

    Prof. Kloner said there was no way the tomb housed the Holy Family.

    The senior Israeli archaeologist who thoroughly researched the tombs after their discovery, and at the time deciphered the inscriptions, cast serious doubt on it.

    "It is just not possible that a family who came from Galilee, as the New Testament tells us of Joseph and Mary, would be buried over several generations in Jerusalem."

    Kloner said the names found on the ossuaries were common, and the fact that such apparently resonant names had been found together was of no significance. He added that "Jesus son of Joseph" inscriptions had been found on several other ossuaries over the years."There is no likelihood that Jesus and his relatives had a family tomb," Kloner said. "They were a Galilee family with no ties in Jerusalem. The Talpiot tomb belonged to a middle-class family from the 1st century CE."

    "Archeological evidence shows that chances of these being the actual

    burials of the Holy Family are almost nil," said Motti Neiger, a spokesman for the

    Antiquities Authority.

    "Simcha has no credibility whatsoever," says Joe Zias, who was the curator for anthropology and archeology at the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem from 1972 to 1997 and personally numbered the Talpiot ossuaries. "He's pimping off the Bible … He got this guy Cameron, who made 'Titanic' or something like that—what does this guy know about archeology? I am an archeologist, but if I were to write a book about brain surgery, you would say, 'Who is this guy?' People want signs and wonders. Projects like these make a mockery of the archeological profession."

    Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's hypothesis holds little weight. "How possible is it?" he said. "On a scale of one through 10 - 10 being completely possible , it's probably a one, maybe a one and a half."

    The official report written by Prof. Kloner found nothing remarkable in the discovery. The cave, it said, was probably in use by three or four generations of Jews from the beginning of the Common Era. It was disturbed in antiquity, and vandalized.

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