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magick and "Bob" Dobbs?

does the subgenius foundation have an official stance on magick and if they do how is it done

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try the information in this link:

    The Subgenius is dedicated to Slack; if ritual magick will increase one's level of slack, then it is a good thing and the Church will gladly take your money for it. The cool thing about the Subgenius mind is that it knows the wool is being pulled constantly and by everyone, even those who are true believers. Thus their admonition to pull the wool over your own eyes. If magick will do that for you, and you know it for what purpose it serves, then not only will it work for you, it will be transparent and your level of understanding will be that much deeper.

    The Church of the Subgenius helped me in my long road to formulating my own mantra: "Everything is true." The unenlightened simply think I am a gullible idiot, but I see no difference in maintaining ideals and acknowledging that I and others violate ideal behavior daily. The admonitions to behave as a good Christian or to practice a cleansing ritual all have the effect of pulling the wool over your eyes. The real trick is not to let someone else do it. Only you can create your own SLACK!

    Source(s): The Voice of Connie's Panties and Early Adherent/Deherent of the Church of the Subgenius. FNORD>
  • Yes Majick is very real to the Subgenius.

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