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Lv 4

Do you find it ironic that some Evolutionist still recognize Christ?

In many evolution articles, earth time is still referred to as, for example, 1,000,000 BC

The BC and AD designations are referring to events based around Christ's birth and life. Are they unconsiously recognizing the birth, life, death and existence of Christ by using these "Christian" designations?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great TG;

    The evolutional format will always lead

    us to the truth

    It's gong to be hard to deny BC and AD when the book

    that started all the studying of life death history the future

    anthropology uname it, the BIBLE started it

    Source(s): IN THE BEGINNING STARTS TWO BOOKS GEN 1; JOHN1 Evolutionalogists don't see this as a threat their just just trying to prove why we are here and when it goes Jesus's way they shrug and move to the next issue (try)
  • 1 decade ago

    Because many of them are Christians. The Fundamentalist isnt the only school of thought, and to assume you know "What God meant" is the height of arrogance. Many people recognise that the Bible is full of metaphors. Jesus himself used them all the time. Most early teaching was DONE in metaphor. And thus many people believe that God knew his earth would have to be adaptable to last. That Things need to be able to change over time. So Genesis is a metaphor for the creation of the world. That maybe instead of 7 24 hour periods as people claim, time runs differently in different dimensions such as the spiritual plane on which God exists, and 7 of His days are a very different ammount of time. Or EVEN that the 7 days of creation is a metaphor for the stages the earth went through in it's creation. And FYI Most scientists DONT use Before Christ, and Anno Dominae anymore, they use Before Current Era, and Current Era. Which they had to do, because the world was forced under the heel of the church for so long EVERY state record is under their callender system. It would take too much work to make everyone in the world learn a new system. It's just common sense

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution and Christianity are not incompatible. Most of the Christian world has no problem with reconciling God and evolution. Even the Vatican accepts it. It's only in the United States that some Christians get all weird about it. But most of those Christians don't even understand what the theory of evolution entails.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reocgnization of Christ, does not constitute believing in religion. Jesus Christ did exist, there's proof to that, but, the whole belief system got screwed up by man through out the centuries... After all Christ was an Un-recognized King of Jews, by those who followed him...

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, I do not find it ironic. Most of the world's Christians do not see any conflict between their religion and evolution. Only a small, but vocal, minority put faith at odds with science.

    In order to be more PC, many historians and scientists now use the terms BCE (before the common or Christian era) and CE (common or Christian era).

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I think its pretty much concious, considering that's the way our calender is set up. Evolutionists go to school, they learn, I'm pretty sure they know how a calender is setup since they study time. I don't find it ironic at all that they recognize Christ. Obviously he existed. I think your question was ironic though... don't you think? A little too Ironic and yes I really do think.

    Hmm.. I wonder if it's possible to evolve to christ? Interesting Concept.... I think I need futher research... (sorry for thinking out loud)

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to be an atheist to study evolution. There are a variety of notations including BCE (before the common era) or mya (million years ago). Most journals use those notations. Articles in the popular literature are more likely to use that notation.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is called "convention."

    Most people don't know or care what AD and BC really mean.

    And, besides, it's possible to believe in Christ and still believe in evolution. There is nothing inconsistent about these beliefs.

    Personally (being a Jew), I prefer BCE instead of BC/CE instead of AD.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many evolutionists are Christians, just not *your* kind of Christian. Anyway, the B.C. and A.D. designations were formulated long after Christ's death and are in no way a proof of--or essential to--Christian belief. They aren't even particularly accurate, in fact.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Use of the term BC and AD is a cultural practise and has nothing to do with what people believe.

    Do you really think that everyone who thinks it's 2007 is a closet christian?

    Get real.

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