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how can a iilgalperson protest a law of the usa.they have no rights to vote on anything..?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Funny, isn't it? Trying to change the laws of a country they're not even citizens of and not even supposed to be in. You'd think if they didn't like the way things worked around here, they wouldn't be here. They don't like the way their government works in their country of origin, so they come running here and protest ours? Makes no sense.

    At those protests they should have rounded them up and shipped them back.

    For the person below. Let me educate you. Native Americans are NOT the original settlers of this land. There is even some evidence that Salutrians (French Europeans) may in fact have been the first settlers. Have you ever noticed some similarities between South Americans, Mexicans, Native Americans, Eskimos, and Asians. Okay, put that one together. Native Americans were immigrants. They crossed the Bering Strait land bridge from Siberia to get here. If we follow your logic, America would be vacant and animals would rule the land. I mean, animals were here before humans, weren't they?

    Just for the record, I am a native American. I was born here. Do you need me to define the words immigrant and native for you too?

  • 1 decade ago

    ezwider and others.. before making accusations like "they are not even supposed to be here and they wants to change the country" lets not forget that in purist terms the only people who really belong to America are the Native Americans and the first immigrants to the US (legal or not) didn't exactly start living the way Native Americans did.. they changed things.. how quickly we forget our own history when judging others.

    Poeple have a right to peacefully protest what they perceive to be injustice. African Americans did it, they did not have the right to vote. Women did it, they did not have the right to vote either..

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Because all the bleeding heart liberals want to give them the same rights.

    2. They think they are above the law.

    3. Liberal lawyers helping them.

    Anyone see a pattern here?

    Mr Taco. You're a idiot. Who is being held captive here that is causing illegals to protest. By the way protesting is protected under the constitution. The 1st amendment. They are illegal and therefore should not be protected by that right. Second of all your analogy was stupid and you said the poster's analogy was stupid. Get a life tard.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well by beeing here they are illegal. They belive they did nothing wrong. they just use ways to be here to protest with out getting sent back home. I have nothing against imigrants I feel that they have skills that can help benifit the country but they should have to come here legaly no amnesty or anything.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They can't vote, but they can certainly protest. Protest is a right of American citizens, and, while it may not aply to illegal it would, at worst, be an act of civil disobedience for them - they protest, get arrested and deported, but bring attention to thier cause by doing so. (Except for the arrested and deported bit, of course, since our government can't be bothered to enforce it's own laws).

  • 1 decade ago

    Hypothetical situation: let's say that an American is being held hostage in Canada. Should Americans be allowed to protest in Canada to get that person released? They can't vote in Canada. So I guess not.

    Dumb analogy? Yes. But my point is valid. What does voting have to do with protesting? Nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask the police at the protests, they're the ones with enforcement authority..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Umm. Protesting and voting are two totally separate thing.

    Don't embarrass yourself like this.

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