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What do you think about the girl/woman proposing to the man? Is it weird if I proposed to my boyfriend?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have to admit I do think it's a bit weird, but if you think your bf would be okay with this (some guys really want to be the one to propose), go for it!

    I'm not very traditional normally, but I have always dreamed of the perfect proposal! So for me, that's important and I wouldn't want to do it differently and I know my bf would feel uncomfortable if it was me doing the proposing instead of me.

    So, I do think you should go for it if you want to! Just make sure you know he's okay with it before you do it. Maybe bring it up in conversation one day. Say something like, "today I heard about a girl who proposed to her bf. What do you think about that?" He may really be against it!

    Good luck whatever you decide!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not weird I think in some cases this needs to be done becuase the women is unsure of the relationship and has been waiting far too long for a proposal from her mate. Plus it allows them to see where the relationship is going. Come on do men or women want to be dating anybody that has the commiment phobia NOT! This allows you to see is he has this problem and can call it quits before another 3-4yrs pass as he sits on his butt.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think its weird, but i think that your should wait for his proposal because if he propose then you will know that he is ready to be a husband..because guys don't mature like woman does in a relationship...and when he does, he will propose to u which tells you that he is ready to be committed to u for real.

  • Lydia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's totally fine, if that's what you want, and is not weird at all. However, I wanted my man to ask, so I would be totally sure that was what he wanted. I also really would have missed having an engagement ring! Not that I'm materialistic, I got a small and beautiful ring, but really appreciate the symbolism of the promise to be married that a man gives his woman.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't do that in a million years...I made my desires very clear to my finace-he knew I was in the relationship for marriage, and that was as far as I was prepared to take that end of it. I figured when he was ready, he'd ask me, and I know we're only engaged because he felt ready, and really wanted to...I never have to question...which I would had I done the proposing.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are comfortable enough in your relationship then there is nothing wrong with it. Make sure he is ready first though. Maybe he hasn't popped the question yet because he isn't ready. That wasn't my case though and I am very happy that I proposed to my Fiance.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think if you are strong enough to handle asking a man then go for it! I would much rather my boyfriend ask me just because he's not a very emotional guy so to have him ask all on his own would mean more, but if you have a strong and mutually emotional relationship then I see nothing wrong with it at all! You go girl! haha

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont think there's anything wrong with is but I agree with the others here who say that the man asking is a sign that he is prepared to make that commitment. If you're sure he is than go for it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is a wonderful idea for you to ask him. Nowadays societal norms are changing and women are starting to be more forthright and "take charge" in a good way. It's no longer "taboo" for a girl to ask out a guy so why should it be for the gal to ask the guy to marry her. Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I regret proposing to my husband...I think I would've liked it better if he asked me first...I guess I feel like I was pushing the subject because I asked him and he didn't take it upon himself to ask first. Some men are slow though so....maybe ask him.

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