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Lv 6
DSV asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

In Australia - Can you make an agreement between two parental parties for indefinite child support outcomes?

Here is the situation , I would guess out of half of the working lower income parent , who has to pay child support , is overwhelmed by the income blowout caused by child maintainance , I am not saying that child maintainance is not a justified resource , but how can it be justified that a child will consume and cost the amounts which are suggested sometimes. the question , are you able to make an agreement between the two conflicticing parties who the child maintainance is performed between to a realistic long term commitment , to assist in the welfare and support of the children , so the income support you are able to contribute is used for the long term support and welfare (ie childrens trust) , and/or are you able to write up a legal binding contract signed by both of the childrens parents , which will remove the CSA from using the tax system to assess the amount of income to remove the following year? the question is can you make the child maintainance a consistant longterm amount


This isnt about avoiding child support .

both parents and parties involved, are able to talk , and come up with solutions and discuss options reasonably.

4 Answers

  • SteveK
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, via Part 6 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989. Have a look at:

    You need to have the agreement given the OK by a Registrar so there are certain things you will need to satisfy him/her of. Considering the long-term costs potentially involved, it is one of the rare ones where I would actually recommend seeking legal advice about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know about Austrailia, but my ex and I agreed on a reasonable amount of child support and had it formalized by our attorneys.

    I do not agree the money should be placed in "trust" for the long term welfare of the child - when the child is an adult the child can deal with his/her own issues. Child support is a right now deal - to deal with the childs needs right now!

    The issue with setting an agreed upon amount is that sometimes the paying party low-balls what they want to give. As the custodial parent I know what it takes to raise the child and it is only right and fair that at least a portion of that is paid by the non-custodial parent. As long as the amount is fair and reflects the income of both parties I see no reason not to agree on the amount without government interference.

  • i am in a similar situation

    my friend sat down with his x and they came to what they both agreed to as fair

    put it on paper and went to the court to have it formalised

    if you do this and stick to the agreement then the CSA can do's out of their hands

  • hinman
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Get it replaced for the time of the courtroom. You the two do not could desire to report something - basically touch your newborn help case worker and that they could have a decide approve that for you. see you later because it is not reducing the "elementary newborn help criminal duty" - it is not confusing. newborn care fee s is the "different" fee s of youngster help, and in many circumstances needs to get replaced. i became into instructed by potential of my criminal expert that if I "settle for" below the courtroom ordered help volume and a technique or the different a decide unearths out, i could be in huge hardship. hide the two your butts and have it replaced in the order.

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