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What do you really want in our next president? serious answers only. Dream big!?

Please don't make this about what you don't want in a president

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Someone who could unite us as a people. Someone who

    could inspire us to make sacrifices for our common good.

    Someone who would make me feel like going to work every

    day was a blessing for our people and it would be true.

    Not someone who accepts our apathetic mass of

    disorganized various peoples and calls it a nation. It just

    don't feel like we're all in this together for each other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would be great if the next president would take the Constitution of the United States seriously, and to just do his job based on the privilege of being elected by the People, and to take seriously the concerns of those who voted for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Character.... I want someone who will stand up for what THEY believe. When they campaign for office they stop pandering to special interest groups. Stop flip-flopping with every poll. Simply speak, without equivocation, without tip-toeing, say "This is who I am and what I stand for."

    2) Someone with the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the rest of the world.

    3) Someone who will STOP the political games... Congress will propose a bill to increase spending on education, then tack on an amendment to spend 10 billion to save the yellow stink slug (or other nonsense) just so when their opponents vote against it they can say "Sen. Jones voted against educating your children"!!!

    To sum up MORALITY

    You don't have to be religious, I don't care if your an atheist, be MORAL!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    - Unites the country (since we are SOOO polarized right now it's horrific)

    - Less into corporations' health and more for middle America's.

    - Worldly

    - Pro-Democracy

    - Pro-Peace (not overly.. like hippy or anyhting)

    - Pro-Security

    - Open Minded

    - Open Mouthed (open with policies and ideas)

    - Keep SOME tax cuts

    - Make Education a top 5 priority in this country

    - Against NCLB

    - Pro-Diplomacy

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I want someone who will uphold the Constitution and not make laws infringing it. It's not that hard of a task, but somehow every modern President has seemed to screw up in that department. I also want a strong leader, who will take terrorism seriously and will act when threatened.

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