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lone wolf and pub asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

what is better type of kitten to get? male or female?

I have decided to adopt a kitten from an animal shelter, I went there yesterday and they showed me the only 3 kittens they had for adoption..but they were all male..I was advised to get a female kitten, and I kind of have my heart set on getting a female. I have until tomorrow to decide if I want to take one of the males.. should I ask them to wait until they get a female kitten into the shelter first?

anyone who has adopted male or females kittens..what do you think? could you give me some pro's and cons??

any help is greatly appreciated and thank you all so much for your help


man, talk about a mixed bag..I am even more confused seems 50-50, some like males,some females..I guess I just don't want a male spraying everywhere.. but whatever I get, it will be spayed/neutered after 5 months..

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    IMHO, male and female cats do have different personalities. Females may seem to be a bit smarter, but I believe male kitties are more content.

    Also, how many cats will you have?

    2 male cats get along the best.

    1 male and 1 female get along 2nd best.

    2 females are the least likely to get along.

    I haved had two other sets of cats, one male and one female in each set. Now, I have two male kitties. They have their moments when they are working out who has dominance over what, but they spend a lot of time chasing, cuddling, and grooming each other, too!

    Also, if you get a male kitty, be sure to have him neutuered when the Vet says it is okay. which should be sometime when he is about six months old.

    Having said all of that, pick the kitty that tugs on your heart strings! : )

    ADDED: If you have the male neutered at six months the odds that he will ever spray are very slim. HOWEVER, female cats are the most jealous of their owners. I had a female that started peeing all over the house when we got a new puppy. She was *quite* unhappy and wanted to make sure we knew it! So.... females can be just as smelly as males! If easy going,happy, and clean-smelling are what you are looking for, I honesty believe your best bet at a happy life with a cat is a male kitty that will be neutered at six-months of age.

  • 1 decade ago

    My theory on cats isn't that you adopt them, but they adopt you.

    Observe how they react to you. Do any of them look you in the eye and demand to be scratched? Did one fight to get in and get your attention more than the others? Maybe you met them individually....did any just make your lap home instantly? Were any just waiting to play and not want to stop, or if they did stop, did they come back in a minute for more?

    I have both a male and female cat and have had many cats in the past. Every cat has their own personality and male or female really has no difference in that personality. Breed definitely has something to do with temperament but it still isn't everything. The best way to choose a cat is by finding one that is going to bond with you. You can usually find out which one that will be within 30-45 minutes with them. Yes, it does take that long. Cats are independent creatures by nature and sometimes it takes that long just to have them get comfortable being in the same room with you, especially if you are looking to adopt a shelter cat. Either way you go, get it spayed or neutered. You will both be happier in the long run.

    Good Luck! And kudos for adopting from a shelter!

  • 1 decade ago

    First, I believe that things happen for a reason. If there were all male kitties and you want one now then maybe you really should have a male. Second, if you're a woman I believe there are a lot of animals that have a female-female rivalry even with their owner and males seem more calm when it comes to their humans. I've personally experienced this with a female cat and it was tooth and nail for months on end until we finally decided to find her a new home. She tried to show me/us who was boss of the house (to her, it was her). They say animal behavior is just a breakdown in communication and that the human needs to be more patient etc so I implemented that and sadly without success. She acted well with my husband (supposedly) but I saw her doing the same things I though were unacceptable and it seemed like he didn't take notice or was more lenient/less caring than I was. Cats are conniving, sneaky creatures by nature (not to mention tempramental and picky) and girl cats love to play that up. I would stick with a male.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have both. The male cuddles more, but is a handful, and the female is not a lap cat but is calmer and less destructive.

    An adult cat is also nice as you can really see their personaility, but with kittens it is a guessing game as their personalities don't really deveope until they are adults.

    I adopted my female as an adult and I must say I had an easier time because of it. She didn't have to be watched as much since she wasn't as fragile as a kitten (just as playful), and she was the cat she presented herself to be. I brought her home at 11 months.

    The male was adotped as a kitten, and it was a lot more annoying because he wanted to get up high, but could have been seriosuly hurt if he fell or jumped off a counter top, so I had to watch him ALL the time. He also chewed on a lot of things when he was teething. He presented himself to be a lot calmer but grew up to be a crazy guy that loves to shread cardboard and jump everywhere.

    Kittens are cute, but a lot of work. You may always want to adopt two right away, especially if you are away for most of the day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think there's a difference in male or females until they mature...males will begin to spray and females will get a little whacky during Heat. Those behaviors can be stopped though, if spayed or neutered early.

    I've raised both male and female cats and its hard to say which is easier or the best to raise. Each cat has their own personality. Just know your cat and try to get to know its habits and behaviors to help you both build an understanding relationship from day one. I think handling a cat more when its younger tends to make them more sweet and sociable, but again every cat is different and some are just better kept to themselves.

    I think the best advice with bringing in any new pet is to be open, understanding, attentive and loving...the rest should just fall into place.

    The best of luck to you in your decision and your new pet. :)

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it is not significant which one you get, the two one will could be fastened, except you have become them for breeding purposes. The intercourse does not be certain if it's going to be advise or advantageous. My lady might properly be advise as all get out, on an identical time as the male is advantageous and loving. yet it extremely is not any longer so in all situations. It merely actual relies upon on the cat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Females are a bit bitchy like real women. The females I had would scratch, bite, jump out and scare you and the boys were totally different. I have Maine coon boys they are the most lovable cats in the world. No sneaky stuff, no scratching, no jumping out at you just peaceful little guys. Maine Coons are not lap cats so they are very independent but just want to follow you around like a dog would. Boys are better.

  • 1 decade ago

    well you should get the male because female cats can be real snooty and stuck up exspeacialy when their older male cats are lot more easy going and dont scratch as much actually i have a male cat and he never scrathes me but all the female cats i every tried to pet or even juust walk by wack their pawls at me or scratch or hiss at me but its really up to you just thought i let you know so yeah

  • 1 decade ago

    there's really no difference until they have been in a home-environment already...

    like some people don't want male cats because they pee everywhere but that is a habit that they learn very early in a household..

    either is fine, you jus thave to house train it, though it is pretty simple.. cats are VERY clean animals and know how to use a litter box..

    it's great you are adopting one from a shelter :) that is what i did.. she would have been euthanized =(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get the female. Females cat's are very content indoors. Males cat's are more for the outdoors because they tend to spray their scent around on your furniture. You know how male dogs go around peeing on stuff around the house, male cat's do the same thing.

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