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Lv 6
KitKat asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How to keep my cats from spraying my couch?

I have 2 cats, a male and a female. Both of them have been fixed and they are indoor-only cats, and they are vaccinated. We have 2 seperate litter boxes and they're kept clean. Yet one or both (we don't know, since they do it at night) are spraying my couch. Luckily, the couch has been scotch-guarded and the urine has not soaked through to the cushions, but it is a major inconvenience to have to wash cushion covers every day. How do I keep them from doing this?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I suspect your male since this is more typical male behavior. Even though the Scotch guard helps protect, I suspect some of the scent still lingers after you clean. I use a product called Urine-off that I got from my vet but can be gotten on-line too. It's the only thing I've found that gets the smell 100% out. Unless you do that, he will continue to remark. I'd give this a try, combined with limiting his access at night to that room.

    Once a cat begins spraying, it is tough to get them to stop. The best defense is to neuter before they start. Once they start, neutering usually but not always stops it. So you've already done the #1 thing to prevent it and it hasn't worked.

  • 1 decade ago

    My male persian used to spary all the time until we had him neuterd (hope i spelled that right) then he was supossed to stop, but when i wouldnt let him outside or didnt pay attentiom he would do it just to p me off lol neways i asked the vet why and they told me hes was probialy just being mischevious. About a week later it stopped and he never did it again. I miss my cat soo much. May god rest his soul :( . So ask a vet if you should have him neuterd or not b4 the smell gets BAD trust me its a terrible smell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, ALL of my cats go on just about everything in the house... Annoying, yes, but it is also fixable. Go to the vet first; it may be a disease. My first cat, Bubba, used to go everywhere BUT the litter box for forever. After we took him to the vet, we found out he was sick, and we got some medicine for him.

    Of course, they might be simply marking their territory, in which case, still, go to the vet. My vet gave us a plug-in that smells like they've already "marked" that area. To them, of course - humans can't smell the plug-in.

    Source(s): Owned by cats all my life...
  • 1 decade ago

    try leting them outside a little more i dont know maybe they're getting really bored sating indoors and start spraying your furniture and things

    i havent have a cat in so long i wouldnt remember but maybe thisll help some

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  • 1 decade ago

    it will be the male cat, they do this to mark territory. are you sure he's been done properly?

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