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Potty Training a Boy...He KNOWS what to do..he just won't!!!?

He's 2.5, and he knows when he's going and he tells you he's pooped...he just won't go in the bathroom. I got him Spider Man drawers and big boy boxers "just like Daddy" and he even says he pee peed on Spidey.....but he won't go near his potty chair. HE EVEN CHANGES HIMSELF, he takes the pull up and puts in the garbage and grabs another one and knows not to mess with it when there's poop!! OYE! What else can I do?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Relax and remember that just because he realizes that he went and needs to change his pullups doesn't mean he's made the conection with feeling the urge to go and being able to make it to the potty. Especially when it comes to doing #2's it's hard for them to figure out how to make those muscles work when sitting down. I've noticed my little boy is able to poo if he's standing up or squatting but even with that he'll try on the potty and not be able to make it come out. Also consider getting a step stool and a potty ring. My boy was very big on doing it as a big boy which he equates to not the little potty since mommy/daddy doesn't use the little potty. Also remember boys take longer then girls to figure the potty out completely. Kevin had the pee part figured out at roughly 2 and after but is now 3 and a half and only just learned how to do poo in the potty and we had a bit of help with a stomach virus giving him tummy pain before he had to go. It will happen on it's own and the less you force it the easier it will be. Just set a good example for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    We had a simular case. So what I did was put a container of whoppers in full view. I had a newborn at the time and so every two hours after the baby nursed it reminded me to ask the toddler if she had to go potty, we would take her in to try, this I believe started a routine, a reminder to her. and if she went pee she got one whopper and poop got two whoppers...this rewarded good behavior in the process. It took about a week but then slowly she would hold it until the next time I reminded her. I had to do this for a few months before she would actually tell me when it was time to go.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it makes you feel any better, my son is 2.5 also, I bought him a potty chair that sings if he goes potty in it, it flushes, has a toilet paper on the side, looks like the big toilet, he loves it. He will sit on it with his clothes and diaper on, and before his bath, but I can not get him to go on it otherwise. I bought the cool pullups and cool underwear, tried bribing him with a piece of candy if he would go, still won't. He tells me when he poops and pees and wants his diaper changed, but he is stubborn, won't go on the potty chair. I can't try to force it because he will never want to do it, I would like him to get out of diapers due to the fact we are expecting in February, but you can't force him to do it. One of these days(hopefully soon) it will click and he will do it. He's smart enough to do it, just STUBBORN!! Gotta be a boy thing! Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried asking him like every hour or two if he has to go? Even if he says no, tell him well lets go try. Thats what I do with my son. We are still working on it but atleast once a day he pees of poops in the potty.

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  • ad
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He will figure it out. How many adults still wear diapers? Well, that's a different problem, but you know what I mean. :)

    You could also try putting him back in regular diapers. That way he wouldn't be able to do it as easily himself and it would be uncomfortable. Or, just go for the underwear. Boxers are difficult to start with in my experience.

    If he is wearing little boy underwear and pees or poops in them he'll see it's really not comfortable and he'll be more motivated to try something else. It will be a rough couple of days for you and his clothes but I know it will work.

    Good luck!

  • Wendi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We went through the exact same thing with our son. He would make pee pee but was terrified to make potty. We had to tell him that Devin (his friend, older and potty's in the toilet) poo pooed the potty. Anything that his friends do, he wants to do. It worked for us, and the same day he started using the potty, we found him in there pushing and straining himself, he loved it, and hasn't gotten off yet! Good luck to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe he doesn't like the potty chair..have him use the toilet instead, it might work...

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