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Sex/nudity VS Violence?

What do you think?

In a movie, Is sex/nudity less of a emotional threat then gruesome violence? It just seems that alot of parents these days willfully allow their teens to watch extremely violent movies but tend to restrict them from watching anything with sexual themes or nudity.

What are your thoughts on this?

Just wondering.

Im kind of bored lol

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do you remember what the hippies said in the late 60s. "I rather have my kid watch a movie with 2 people making love than trying to kill one another."

    Yet violent movies is OK. Has anyone notice violent crimes have gone up in the past couple decades?

    I saw a movie and friends of mine did not want their 12 year to see it because of, in my opinion, well done love scene, which had nudity. They had no problem with the various people ripping off people's heads.

    I just do not understand it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think sex/nudity is much more pleasurable and healthier to watch than all that extreme violence. It's just another example of us being a sick society that films with decapitations, disembowlments and every kind of extreme violence known to man can get a less restrictive rating than those showing full frontal nudity or even a little bit of explicit sex. God help us if the guy has an erection! If I had any kids presently I'd rather let them watch a GOOD porno film (with loving, caring sex...hard to find nowadays!) than "Saw III", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or any of that other extreme violence crap out there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Excellent question.

    I think violence is a real horror and I can't watch it anymore. I just find it too disturbing. I think the danger with children watching a lot of violence is that they become to desensitized to it and they may think it's nothing terrible when they see so much of it. Also, they may think it's a viable solution to problems, which it is most definitely not.

    On the other hand, I love to watch sex/love scenes in movies. I really don't understand why parents are so against this aspect of life, which is really natural, the norm and healthy. Unless they are afraid their children will be promiscuous and think sex is just an activity like any other, which of course, it is not. It's a precious and special thing to be elevated and not denigrated.

  • 7 years ago

    Gonna go against the grain here and say, sex/nudity is infinitely worse. Here's why:


    Young kids are more ready to see violence in the media than sex. Yes, that's right! I just said I'd rather my three-year old son see someone getting their head blown off than to see two people having sex. Why? Because while neither image is necessarily good for a child to see, violence in general is a very simple lesson for kids. "You don't hit", sometimes "You don't hurt people". This is not only simple but consistent with his understanding of the world as he grows up. Telling him "Sex is bad" is not only untrue but a very literally Puritan way of addressing the topic; yet it's the only way of addressing it to a toddler who needs to somehow know what they're doing on screen he's not supposed to do.


    There are a great many societal and legal deterrents of violence. It is almost always frowned upon if not punished in a big way. People understand (again from a very early age) that if they are violent, they almost certainly will be made to regret it. Sometimes even self-defense is punished, which is a testament of many things but one being our general intolerance of violence. Compare this to our general acceptance of sexual activity, including activity we can almost guarantee we'll regret! The media is chock-full of promotions of sexual promiscuity, or at least the promotion that it is normal, and so it is closer to being normal in the "real world" today than violence ever will be. This is why among both kids and adults, sexual misadventures are more common than acts of serious violence. Violence in the media stands to have far less influence on its viewers than sex/nudity. Because the former is consistently given less opportunity to be influential, seeming promotions of something horrible is actually better than seeming promotions of something merely bad.

    Sometimes the first set of priorities is in fact the right one.

    P.S. - That whole "I'd rather watch two people making love than trying to kill each other" thing is hilarious. When you ignore the line between fiction and reality (the violence is fake, the sex or at least the nudity is not) and you change "having sex" to "making love", you know the argument you're making is quite biased.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think, the dedication is the key here. Also, the Islam is a law in many countries. A legal measures are applied, based solely on the Islam. That is the difference. In middle ages, when countries ridden by Christianity were killing the ´´infidels to Jesus-God thing, it was about the same horrible, as what Jidah does today. In these days of course, it stands out very clearly and very wrong, because the civilization has reached most of the world countries and a secular law is in effect. sadly, this does not applies to uneducated tribes in every Islamic country in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am thinking of the samething, i mean i went to watch 300 the other day, some parents took their kids there as well, and the parents apparently allows the children to watch someone gets his head cut off instead of a stupid sex scene (Jimmy close your damn eyes you cannot watch this part because it will suck your soul out of your body, if you watch this scene, then at midnight a ghost will come and hunt you down), the kids is gonna find out whats is going on sooner or later maybe he/she already knows and they have like 10GB of porn stored on their pc already lol.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't know?

    sex is in movies all the time even in the most gruesome violence is..on a's everwere and in everthing!

    violence is in most movies today but not all

    violence is your your you friend's home!!

    i know I'd go see a movie with sex & nudity then to go see a movie with violence in it!

    violence in a movie or in a song or anywere can make a teen or anybody lash out in violence!

    just lisin to my chemical romance ''teenagers''

  • I know exactly what you mean. My French teacher and I had a long conversation about this. In Europe, it's exactly the opposite. That makes more sense because eventually, all kids have to learn about sex, but they don't necessarily have to learn to be violent.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that parents are worried that is their children watch things that are openly sexual, it will make their kids more open, and promote sexual behavior in their kids. I aslo think our culture is messed up and thats why they are in movies to begin with. Hope that helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i think American society thinks that sex is more offending than violence. although i think that a big reason is that its more awkward to watch a sex scene with your parents than someone getting their head blown off......

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