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Whats a fast but safe way to loose 50 pounds?

I am 45 and had a baby 2 and a half years ago. I gained a lot of weight and just don't even feel like working at loosing it. Lately I just feel fat and want to do something but it's hard for me to even get started. I need some advice . HELP!

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best way to get started is take your child for a walk every day. Find a quiet, peaceful route where you can get some exposure to nature. Just walk for 30 minutes a day and you will start to lose weight.

    You can also make some minor changes to your eating patterns. For example, give up or cut down on soft drinks (soda, juice, tea) and switch to water. You could eliminate a bunch of empty calories that way, and not miss them too badly.

    You may be a bit depressed, so you might want to find a support group for women in your position who are working toward the same goals.Find someone to walk with, talk with, etc. A little support can make a world of difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hear you, sister. I'm 42, had my 3rd son almost 5 years ago and still haven't been able to shed my post pregnancy weight. But i do know what MY problem is and it might be the same problem you have. It's that we haven't REALLY made up our minds to lose the weight. We can sit around 24/7 and dream of being thinner but that's not going to produce anything, but a bigger body, right???

    Narrow in on your "trouble" times. Mine is at night after everyone is in bed and i am alone with time to myself. Unfortunately, I've created this "me" time as my eating time. So I've gotten in the habit of consuming several hundred calories every night. When is your "trouble" time? How can you avoid this?

    How are your eating habits? Do you eat well or pick off your baby's grill cheese? Do you drink water or drink your baby's juice?

    We're both intelligent women who have created bad habits and we both know how to get logical about this weight loss - consume less calories and burn more calories. It's easier said than done, but it can be done if only we REALLY tried.

    So let's do it. Starting RIGHT NOW. Get on the floor and do 100 crunches. then bring out the weights and do 3 (12) set reps of bicep, tricep, shoulders, back, & chest exercises. Then try to do 10 push-ups. It's not that hard. Do it. NOW. Tomorrow, get up, before hubby, and get out and walk, run or bike for 30-45 minutes. I'll be there with you in spirit. We'll keep this routine up every other day until we're able to do it daily.

    We'll shed this weight together and be happy sexy mommies.

  • 1 decade ago

    its not that fast but it could help you lose your weight....

    Low Carb Dieting Tip

    Your rate of metabolism dictates how many calories you burn. Heredity, gender, age, body size. diet and nutrition, activity level, and your overall health factor in on determining how high or low your metabolism is. It is normal for metabolism levels to lower as a person ages. Because of this it is important to begin stepping up your exercise routines in your thirties and forties.

    Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

    Eat Regularly - Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day will give you energy throughout the day--helping you to burn calories. Whereas, calories eaten during larger meals tend to get stored as fat.

    Maintain a Balanced Diet - Not only how often you eat is important, but your food choices are equally as important. Nurture you body with the appropriate balance of protein and carbs.

    Eating whole foods rather than processed food gives your digestive system a workout that burns calories. For example: choose an apple over apple juice.

    Workout with Weights - Building muscle mass will replace stored fat. As you build muscle tissue your metabolism increases.

    Don't Forget Cardio - You need to get that heart rate up and breathe a little heavier. Twenty to thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity 5 days a week is recommended. Brisk walking or swimming are good. Or utilize exercise equipment (exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer)

    Fruits and vegetables are clearly an important part of a good diet. Almost everyone can benefit from eating more of them, but variety is as important as quantity. No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. The key lies in the variety of different fruits and vegetables that you eat.

    Some basic fruit and vegetable tips:

    • Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. If you need 2,000 calories a day to maintain your weight and health, aim for at least nine servings (4½ cups) a day.

    • Choose a variety of different fruits and vegetables. It's easy to get into a rut when it comes to the food you eat. Break out and try a wider variety - include dark-green, leafy vegetables; yellow, orange, and red fruits and vegetables; cooked tomatoes; and citrus fruits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Drink a lot more water. You really don't want to lose the weight too fast, or you will gain it back twice as bad! I think you may be a little bit comfortable with where you are at, as you admit you just want the weight gone, but don't really want to "do" anything to rid yourself of it, safely and effectively. Maybe start by re-evaluating your goals and expectations, and figure out what you are willing to do to get the job done.

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  • 4 years ago

    fresh herbs can really zing up a healthy meal try growing some in the kitchen using a strawberry pot preserve the flavor by adding fresh herbs at the end of the cooking process

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no FAST way to lose weight. Just eat healthy and execise regularly...the weight wil eventually come off..

    Source(s): ...
  • Bettie
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    fast food is salty food if you cut back on the salt in a few weeks youll be able to better taste the natural salts in food and may not crave the junk as much as you used to

  • 5 years ago

    let a great dane walk you for 13 minutes 5 mph

  • 5 years ago

    got nuts with nuts eating a handful of nuts will help you stay full try soaking them in water for a different texture

  • 5 years ago

    eat a fiber filled apple before a meal to help you feel full faster

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