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mrrosema asked in Business & FinanceInvesting · 1 decade ago

Laws against day trading?

Allthough most day traders lose, it seems to me all day traders are a drain on resources and not improving productivity compared with a potential world in which trades were limited to longer time periods. why not make stronger laws limiting day trading or tax them more... out of existence?


I realize i am being a bit judgemental, but compared to a distributor of materrials or someone investing in a company because they think the company will do well they seem to be more just noise makers

Update 2:

their own resource of time, cumulatively is considerable, their brokerage fee subsidy enables excess trading even if it reduces my costs

Update 3:

yes, there already are significant legal impediments to day trading for reasons law makers (and I) deem reasonable, drug laws. I have not seen any comments that convince me that day traders are productive

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What resources do they drain, other than their own?

    The damage they do is to their own accounts, plus they add a small amount of noise to the market pricing structure, but they don't do any significant harm that I can think of.

    Just because I think long term is years, and daytraders think long term is overnight, doesn't mean they don't have a right to trade that way. Their brokerage fees subsidize mine, for one thing, and lemming-like momentum moves by daytraders sometimes provide opportunities for long-term value investors to step in.

  • 1 decade ago

    Under no conditions, ever ... no way imaginable...

    would i ever want the federal government to tell me how often i could sell or buy stocks...

    Thats an awful lot of oversight required... payed for by us (taxpayers)... that could be deployed elsewhere. Why must we always stop people from harming themselves??? Where's the value of doing what is right.. if those who do wrong are coddled like children???.. and if people are a success more power to them.

    I agree that day trading isn't a productive use of resources...and is in general a detriment to most peoples finances....its fantasy land for most....

    but that is secondary to the bigger problem you propose to create which essentially is the government telling the free market how often it can buy and sell anything..... to a day trader stocks are inventory in need of turn over.... do you propose the govt dictate inventory turnover to a retail store??

    You do realize once a stock is issued... the company no longer receives proceeds for that stock... whether it changes hands or not?

    Do you propose limiting the volatility of the market beyond Curbs and suspension of trading? .... its pointless... even if you shut down trading... the stock just re-opens at a given pricce the next day (gap-open) (granted panic may have subsided)

    Would taxing short term capital gains really only harm the stock traders??? what about all other capital investments that are productive for the economy that would be caught in the net??

    Short term traders pay income tax on their gains... you do realize income tax can get very steep at the upper levels... taking a 35% chunk off the top of your gains and not helping on your losses already affects people trading.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    Penny stocks, also known as cent stocks in some countries, are common shares of small public companies that trade at low prices per share. They are notoriously risky but if you follow a special method I've learned you can earn good money at almost no risk. This is the site I use:

    I definitely recommend subscribing to this site in particular. Very good research, quality stocks. I was a bit weary of penny stocks from all the bad hype they receive but this guy is pretty legit. He's put my mind at ease with a lot of the fears I've had. I especially like that he doesn't send out announcements left and right. I've signed up for other websites that fill my in-box with one company after the other. I don't know where to even start with so many choices in front of me! Nathan sends me one idea a week and that's all I need. Working so many hours during the week leaves me with very little time when I get home to start doing tons of penny stock research. I'm always eager to see what Nathan's next suggestion is each Friday and I love having time on the weekend to do my research.

    As said above if you want to make money with penny stocks you have to follow some proven methods. This one in my opinion is the best:

    Hope it helps.

  • ricks
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    why should they not be allowed to day trade? If someones investment strategy is not the same as yours, its wrong? & should be illegal? They are already taxed at a higher rate than long term investors. They pay short term capital gains on all the money they make, which is taxed as regular income. Long term holders are taxed at 15%.

    What resource is drained & what productivity is being dwindled? The only resource there is in day trading is the investors own money. They seem to be productive in trading. Just b/c its not for you doesnt mean it should be outlawed.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Why are you against day trading stocks? Are you against people who buy fish from the incoming boats and sell it that same day in the market? How is it different? They are providing a service.

  • 1 decade ago


    First, this would be against economic freedom.

    Second they provide liquidity to the market which is a very good thing. There's nothing worse than a market without liquidity.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Penny Stocks Trading
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What resources are we (Daytraders) draining, exactly?

    Why don't we tax $10.00 USD for each pack of cigarettes?

    Why don't we tax $10.00 USD for each beer?

    Why don't we tax $10.00 USD for each bullet?

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