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If you had to guess, what are you making up for in this lifetime that you didn't care enough about in....?

a past lifetime?

Just the way my mind was pondering tonight about the thoughts of reincarnation...

Do we keep coming back until we "Get it right"....

Maybe....and if that is a truth... what are you trying to get right this time around?

What is surrounding you that you would never have thought, in a million years, you'd deal with, but you ARE, day in - day out, the reminders of something deeper lurks.

What is that for you?

Thanks for joining the 'moments in wonderment'.

9 Answers

  • Fishie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Reincarnation is something I believe in too. But I feel reincarnation is more to train the soul rather than finish incomplete business.

    I do though believe in Cause-Effect across lives.

    Have you noticed some are so wiser even at young age? They commit very less mistakes but are so profoundly knowledgeable and composed. (Not necessarily pious or the religious ones). I think those are the ones who have tread this world for many lives. Somehow they have managed to retain the knowledge and experience from their previous lives.

    I think I still have many lives before I get refined.

    Yes thats what I think this is, REFINING process for the soul...

    How do you refine? Simple. Live your life to the responsibilities you are blessed with, without an expecation on the outcome....


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I personally believe in reincarnation, but I will leave my reasoning behind it for another time, as it is long and involved.

    HOWEVER, I do think I have figured out what I came back to learn. And hopefully, I have gotten it right this time and will be rewarded or at least there will be a balance. I believe I was an abusive husband in a past life, or something like that.

    ... you can build on WHY I think that at your own discretion.....

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm at peace in my skin, and blissfully unaware of any baggage i might have brought with me from previous encounters here.

    yet there are times when i feel in touch with some ancient knowledge or power (i like the word archetype but i'm not sure if it's the right one to use) that man as a species has had access to for a long long time. when there's a common thread that shouldn't be but is... or a reminder of myself in someone i view from afar... or the discovery of a kindred spirit guided almost by an unseen hand as if by fate... then i wonder, what really lurks unbeknown to us?

    getting it right... trying to decipher these 'clues' and seeming to be on the verge of something... again and again.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would be boring if we believed that there was not a reason for being here. For me religion is nothing but a story blown way out of proportion so my beliefs are that we are nothing more than 'energy' using these bodies for this journey and when we pass on we take a different form of energy and so the cycle starts

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe that we come back until we get it right... I believe that we come back because we are bored and want more experiences that we never got in a previous life. Like I never experienced being a model in this life so maybe I want to in my next... who knows?

    Source(s): Conversations with God -by Neale Donald Walsch
  • 1 decade ago

    I think it may be to not be judgmental. To learn to live alone, and like myself enough to do so. To help others as best I can, and to learn how to be a good friend and wife. Not doing so good on some of these.


  • 1 decade ago

    There is whatsoever density in your repentance, the fact is past is past and it will never be back. You can't change the past. The only hope is to frame your future, which is ahead.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One shot is enough for me. I've lived hard and i"ve lived high. I have had many successes and some failures.

    I found the one true living God and I have made it through His Son Jesus.

    Once is enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    lack of love and religion. I love WAAAY too much now and completely (so much it hurts me) and I also have a problem with choosing one religion, I kinda like them all. so I study them all.

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