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Biblical Contradictions. Why is it that God and satan were just hanging out and God tells satan, look?

at my child Job. Go ahead and test him. Wasn't satan bound to hell before that, and if so, why would God and he just be sitting around chatting and decide to attack one of his most devout people? I am a Christian and my own reasons for asking, but I wanted to see what is said, especially from people that say the Bible does not contradict itself. Also, if you want to comment on two other subjects I welcome these: If one of the several deadly sins is Jealousy, why did God choose as a commandment that; "I am a jealous God and you will have no others before you"? Why is there two seperate creations listed in Genesis? There, that should cause enough trouble for now.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i like to learn more about the bible so im just here reading the answers, dont mind me!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Too many questions jumbled in one. Let me pull one out... the one about Job and Satan.

    First of all Satan was never in hell. Hell is merely mankind's common grave (you can email me privately if you want to discuss that further). The beginning of Job clearly shows that Satan still had access to Jehovah God and the other angels at that time. It is the reason for the battle in heaven that is recorded at Revelation chapter 12 where he and his demon friends are ousted from the heaven to the vicinity of the earth.

    OK a second one: Jealousy - There are different kinds. Remember, jealousy can involve wanting what someone else has. It's closely tied to covetousness. It's not about being protective of what belongs to you in a good way. I hope that explains things a litle bit for you. No trouble at all. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    1) They weren't just "sitting around." If you read Job Chapters 1 and 2, you'll see that Satan went to God and stirred up trouble. Satan still has access to Heaven; that will change near the end of the Tribulation.

    2) The Catholic Church has a list of pseudo-deadly sins which are not from the Bible; jealousy is one of them. Here's the actual list from the Bible:

    Proverbs 6

    16 These six things the LORD hates,

    Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

    17 A proud look,

    A lying tongue,

    Hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 A heart that devises wicked plans,

    Feet that are swift in running to evil,

    19 A false witness who speaks lies,

    And one who sows discord among brethren.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Satan was never bound to hell, he and the rebel angels were cast to earth not hell, ( common misconception); ) the has no contradictions that I' am aware of, when they were first putting the book togather from smaller books they edited the parts that contradict, as for there being to creations stories thats because adam and eve weren't created on earth they were created in paradise" the garden of eden" the other creation was on earth look more carefully, as for the jealousy thing god never says that being jealous is bad, you must have envy and jealousy confused. still no contradictions you'll have to try harder than that ; )

    Source(s): The Bible
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  • 1 decade ago

    First, satan was sent to hell because he disagreed with God over free will. Second God can call on anyone or anything even satan. God is a spirit and thus not bound by sin even jealousy. Just my guess.

  • Bob W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I read your qustion twice and I gotta tell you. I do not have a clue what you are asking.

    The Jealous used does not mean inter-personal jealousy. Means that he insists He is the only God

    Here are two more things to think about.

    There are two flood stories........and my favorite...

    Exactly where did Mrs. Cain come from. Seems to me that when Cain killed Abel, he killed twenty five percent of the world's where did she come from?

  • 5 years ago

    devil aka Lucifer grew to become into god's maximum useful angel, the main captivating easily and had an extremely captivating voice, a present of music regardless of the undeniable fact that it grew to become into devil that envied God, he wanted to be almighty and efficient so he rebelled and took one third of the angels with him and Michael the archangel kicked Lucifer and his followers out of heaven and definite it relatively is real that he gave guy expertise yet by way of fact of that our international heavily isn't at international peace, that's what each and every person speaks of and want yet by way of fact guy has the capability to be god like, many people use it to their benefit and grow to be corrupt, guy want capability notably else and due to that there can in no way be equality

  • 1 decade ago

    read the beginning

    Satan had to come before God. God commanded it

    might want to read the passage your gonna bash first will make you look less ignorant

    Psalm 14:1

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't be fooled......

    The Bible contains NO


    Scripture is inspired by God.....not man.....and God does NOT make mistakes.

    And there are not 2 creation is a summary.....the other is the timeline

  • 1 decade ago

    its all a bit of a mindf*ck really, the bible was written by so many different people that consistancy is limited.

    you're better off reading paradise lost.

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