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CHRISTIANS: What tests do you use to distinguish God's calling and your own imagination?


Heard talk many times about Christians who say "I heard God's call on my life to be X-Y-Z...." and they go and move towns, set up a church, start a business, marry someone, solve a crisis etc etc.

However, when you follow these 'callings' up, the outcomes have had be wide and varied in terms of their success

So how, as a Christian do you determine if a that "still small voice" compelling you to do something is from your own head or really the voice of God?

Few qualifications;

* These are for actions NOT covered in the Bible (eg. should you move house, take that job, go to this school etc)

* This is not for outright sin or going against explicit instruction in the Bible.

* This is for those who are in a rational state of mind

Thanks - Brad M

ALSO: Athiests, PUH-LEEEEEZE don't bother with the "there is no God", "See, you are just hearing voices" lines - they aren't even close to being clever here!!!

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The rule of three definite confirmations helps tremendously.

    Of course the first test is that it does not go against scripture.

    Then, it has to be peaceful with certain joy and strength - anything causing confusion must be seriously questioned.

    God is not the author of confusion.

    Via experience, you get to know God's "voice" and

    character as well (being able to differentiate a lot more

    easily with experience as well as experiencing miracles

    through it - tested) - God's "voice" has a distinct way it "sounds" - it is not mixed with the human emotions that thoughts usually have - it has a certain strength and confidence about it as well as peace. Sometimes I actually ask God if He really said what I thought He "said" and He always knows how to answer me - the things I need to know the most are certainly always confirmed and I have heard God say things very "loudly" the more I needed to know them!

    There was no doubt or confusion.

    Someone wise once talked on the scripture "the truth sets free" and came up with (via experience) that when

    something sets you free (in your spirit), it is a SIGN that it is the truth - this is even the case with any bad news God could

    tell you - there is still a hope and freedom - especially things

    tested over time and with more confirmations can be dealt

    with in this way!

    Another scriptural idea, of course, is to test the spirits to see if they are of God - In one of the three books of John (I, II, or III), it says that any sprit not recognizing that "Jesus has come in the flesh" is not of God - these are especially powerful words. There is an anger that false spirits have towards those words in particular. I have heard an interesting true story about it. An elderly woman was listening to scripture peacefully, then when those words were spoken, she got up and slapped the person reading the scripture and said "stop reading that!" That is of course an extreme case, but it is

    an idea worth noting.

    Those are a few main ideas.

    About the outcomes you mentioned - Yes, the results vary.

    Results CAN be not what was expected even if

    you Were following God in the matter.

    One problem is that Others don't follow God and don't

    follow through, causing the one who Does go forward

    with what God told him or her to do to not be as


    Another problem is what Daniel experienced when

    he waited for 40 days with no answer b/c of spiritual

    forces holding back the angel who spoke to him,

    so wicked spiritual forces hold back success as well!

    As Christians, we actually can do some spiritual

    warfare to get through and often this is what God

    is "waiting" for us to do and what He wants us to learn to do

    (with things we find confirmation that they are His will and

    we are trusting God fully for)!

    The other situation is that the outcome is Different

    than We thought, but God had a plan all along that

    is going to be different but Better in the end.

    A "mission" to do one thing can actually be a training

    ground to have success in the future instead of success

    in that particular mission - it is in God's hand.

    There are several examples of this - including the fact

    that the diciples were SO confused when Jesus died,

    but then it all made sense when He arose!

    So, just b/c something does not look successful by are

    standards, does not neccessarily mean that it is or was

    not successful - God sees all ends!

    All things work out for the GOOD to those who love

    God and are called according to His purpose!

    I hope that helped. Good question!

    Source(s): Bible, personal experience, and the experiences of other believers.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is an interesting question. I was a happy person in a secular job...and I felt the calling to be a Priest.

    That feeling never went away.

    Since I have been ordained, I have obviously had the "still small voice" experience many, many more times...and it's really a hard thing to describe. While I'm sure that some of "my" thinking got in there and gummed up the works a bit (so to speak)...I can generally tell when the direction is from God. Call it a "clearer" thought, for lack of a better term.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a good question. Personally, I don't think I use any "tests" to determine whether or not God wants me to do something or whether it is just my wishes. BUT, there is a difference in the way it feels, for lack of a better word. I'm not sure I can describe it, but many times it has been something I may be a bit uncomfortable with at first, whereas if it is my wishes, I don't feel that way. Does that make sense?

    God has led to do many things in my life and I have always gotten this "feeling" or "sensation". When it is God, it cannot be ignored. When it is something I am thinking of, it can easily be dismissed and I can simply move on to another subject.

    I am interested to see what other people say about this.

  • 5 years ago

    I base it on these scriptures: (James 1:13) . . .When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. (1 Corinthians 10:13) . . .No temptation has taken YOU except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let YOU be tempted beyond what YOU can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for YOU to be able to endure it. God doesn't enjoy in our misfortunes, Satan does. In all my experiences of bad things happening I've never got to the point where it was too much for me and nothing happened. When I feel I'm reaching breaking point the problem either goes away or the situation changes and I can deal with it from another perspective.

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  • 1 decade ago


    You know I really struggle with this one as well. I don't think there's an easy answer to your question and I know what you mean about those people who seem to know exactly where they're going - and without sounding critical - I find it really frustrating.

    Anyway - enough babbling... I work on the theory that destiny is a field and not a tightrope. I tend to pray a lot and keep Godly counsel. As a young woman I've found older Godly women who are invaluable for advice. Their maturity means that not only am I accountable but I have their fine-tuned discernment to help me walk wisely.

    I keep things as well. If scriptures and things people say jump out at me I write them down. I've discovered that God talks to me in still small voices (thoughts, pictures and impressions) and so I write down what I think might be Him (i.e. what lines up to His word) and ponder over it. I really think that God confirms His word and if He's trying to get your attention on something big He'll shout.

    I think the important thing is to stay close in prayer and worship - His presence and His voice go together. Also - I let peace lead me when making decisions. For instance, I recently decided I wanted a pet (and have done for ages) but when the time came I just felt uneasy (not fearful just uneasy - like butterflies) in my gut every time I thought about it so I've left it alone. Peace is so important so heed it and wait for it.

    Overall - just keep seeking Him. Stay close to Godly counsel and spend time in God's presence.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could be a wise guy and say that God usually follows up with a burning bush or a certified letter.

    It's a lot like when a lover says they love you. Are they telling you truth? Do they only think they are telling you the truth? Or are they just stringing you along until something better comes? You have a feeling but you don't really know, I guess you just have to take some things on faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever tried to do a fast for further spiritual help? I know this is something that has helped in my family's we would do a fast is no food or drink, even water for a 24 hour could do this on your own or with family members who wish to do this with you....when we would start a fast is on a Saturday evening like right after dinner is done...go to a private place to pray out loud to Heavenly Father about your concerns and the things you need answers to...and dedicate your fast to wanting these answers...then fast until the next evening....not to complain of hunger or thirst and pray always during your fast...keeping in mind the answers you the scriptures and try to listen to the "still small voice" as you ponder upon your situation...then end your fast with a prayer of thanks and wait on God to answer you and He will in a way that you need it most. Source(s)

    Joel 2: 12, 15

    12 ¶ Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:

    • • •

    15 ¶ Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:

    Source(s): Holy Bible ,King James
  • reg
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You are where God wants you to be. You already know what is right and wrong. Don't do the wrong thing, that's obviously against God's will. For actions not involving right or wrong, just keep doing what you are doing. If what you're doing is God's will then He'll let you keep doing it. If it isn't His will you won't get any further. Like if you're anxious to get to a meeting and things keep getting in the way, remember that you will be there when God wants you to be there. As long as you did everything you could to get there and get there on time, the rest is up to God.

  • Astro
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Such a great question, this should be asked often.

    For me, it is an all encompassing knowing, a feeling,a voice, a sign, a word from another, these all have a roundness about them, a buoyancy a light feeling.

    When you get "the message" it is obvious in its profundity.

    Moving on this basis, life unfolds as it should.

    There is no "sharp pointy" bits. When you know God, you know "how" it feels when "it" comes to you.

    It maybe relative to the person, as we are all different, so my sign, is not in the same way as your "sign"

    It is moving on the basis of obviousness, to hear and act on this.

    I have christwithin, does that fit your criteria. I don't follow man rules anyway, God told me to give this answer.

    A great question, bless you.

  • 1 decade ago

    #1--- Does it Line up with God"s written Will,?The Bible,

    #2--- By Prayer & #3 God will Confirm It ,with two or more Wittness;

    # 4--- I don"t have to "make things Happen;

    # 5--- I am at Peace with the Process;

    Feelings are not always a good Indicater;They can have many voices;

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