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What should I get my girlfriend for Christmas?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3.5 years now and this year I haven't seen her a whole lot since I just started college 500 miles away from her. I usually go all out and spend a bunch of money on her, but now I have no job, and can't spend as much as I normally do, and I want to get her something that is so special that it doesn't matter if its a little bit cheaper. The problem is for the past year we've always got eachother very lavish stuff, right before I left her for college I got her a $400 ring (promise-purpose, type thing) so please help me out with some ideas. I LOVE THIS GIRL

thank you :)

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You answered your own question its Love, that is the best that anyone could ever give & you can't put a value on that.. But if you really have to buy her something, go and find a really nice picture frame with love, hearts, flowers & etc on it . And add a picture of you or a picture of you both, she will love it. Also give her one of your T- Shirts, Women love to wear them for night gowns, and it will make her feel closer to you. Knowing that you gave her one of your favorite shirts along with the picture. You should be able to afford this, lets say for the most $25.00..but the cost of it comeing from your heart is priceless....hope this helps....

  • 1 decade ago

    If she has a sister, ask her sister...or a best girlfriend IF the girlfriend won't run to her and tell her you're asking.

    If she's mushy, then a beautiful love letter, and really good Godiva chocolate.

    A night of chick flicks and a romantic drive somewhere.

    If you're in cold weather, the softest scarf you can afford made from some wonderful fabric or yarn...from Macys or Belks or some high end store. Things like that are truly luxuries, and most of us girls won't ever spend $50 on a scarf. You could do something like you want her to stay warm while you're away.

    Or a really great purse/bag if she likes purses/bags. Foleys, Macys, or another mid-range store. Less than $100

    A gift basket from a local spa for a facial, massage, and pedicure ...something like that. A day of pampering to go with her favorite movie, the best popcorn and her fav drink, and lots of mushy talk.

    Are ya'll courting or full out dating? Lots of differences.

    Is she fancy or does simple things impress her?

    It all depends on the lady. We're pretty complicated.

    The most important thing........if she loves you, then she will understand if you cannot keep up with a $400 gift this year...or even a $200 gift. Whatever your budget is, it's not the money that should be the focus. If she really cares about you and your future, then she should understand college is expensive and that good planning for the years ahead take sacrifice...this is one of many.

    Merry Christmas!

    Best of luck to you, and her!

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been with my guy for 3 years so I've been through a rich Christmas and a poor one. If you have a little extra money, you should go to They have it down to a science where you can take a 3 question test about her to find the right kind of gift for her personality and most of them are pretty reasonably priced. If you're really strapped for cash, take some of you and her favorite pictures and make a 8x10 collage on you computer and print it out and put it in a $1 frame from the dollar store. If you're not totally broke but not really raking it in, buy 6 roses and make your own scavenger hunt for her. Have one clue attached to a rose and say the next rose/clue's in the freezer and that one say the next clue is under the couch cushion etc. End with a card that says "meet me tonight at...favorite restaurant" and pay for her dinner. If you guys have been together for 3.5 years then she'll understand you and how you feel and she won't need an expensive gift to prove it. Plus you've already gotten her jewelry anyway. And if you do the collage thing, it looks super romantic, but you don't have to try and write up a poem. And getting an animal for Christmas is cute until it goes in the house. Making something or taking the time to set up something is way more memorable. Just try to do something out of the ordinary special and it gets just as many brownie points as a $400 gift! ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    How about a bracelet with a special message engraved on it and a romantic weekend at a bed and breakfast inn. I'm sure she would appreciate the time alone together and some of those inns are so beautiful and romantic. Not terribly expensive either. Gold jewelry will be going on sale for the holidays at up to 70% off or more so you could get a bracelet that's nice yet inexpensive. No matter what you get her,she will love it because its coming from you.

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  • Maggie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If her living situation allows, you should get her a pet. A cute puppy or kitten can be adopted for just a small fee and it's something she'll have around when you're not. Of course, it all depends on who she lives with and where she lives, but it would be a really sweet gift. Otherwise, consider making something or putting something together. For example, you could go to the store and buy a candle in her favorite scent, bubble bath, lotion, bath salts, a new set of big fluffy towels, slippers, an eye mask and a bottle of wine and put it all into a cute container and wrap it up. It's affordable but it looks extravagant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should write her a song, poem, story, etc. Make a movie about how much you love her (or don't), get some flowers delivered by a nice company to her with an "I love you" note on it, and also take the time to make her something like a necklace out of seed beads (they can get really extravagant) or you could make a sculpture, etc.

    Oh my gosh... just thought of something that would mean sooo much to me, and probably any girl if you have enough time. Start now and keep a journal about how much you love her etc. Put poetry in it, your feelings, and all sorts of things. When it is full wrap give it to her with some flowers, and maybe something else if you feel you need to, but I would just love my bf to write down his feelings for me. Awwww...*that would be sooo romantic.

  • 1 decade ago

    you need to think hard... what does she love in this world (besides you)? Is there a particular animal or hobby that she is fascinated with? Does she love to paint, does she take photos everywhere you go? Think about what she enjoys, and try to focus on a gift along those lines. If she is into books, look for a special book mark to remind her of you. If she likes photos, take some special photos of the two of you together and have them specially framed, or make a scrapbook just for the two of you. (that would be especially romantic!) Write her a love letter, telling her about all the different things you love about her.

    One thing my husband did for me that I am still to this day thankful for and amazed that he thought of it - he gave me a new journal. He saw that I liked to write my feelings and thoughts out in an old beat up journal that I had, and he decided to get me a new journal. He wrote on the very first page a love letter to me telling me that he got it for me because he was hoping that I would write all my thoughts down and maybe share them with him, because he always wondered what I was thinking about when I write. It was so sweet and wonderful. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    If the two of you have alot of pictures of eachother, buy a scrapbook and start off with the two of you as children, each of your family members then the two of you. Be creative, put hearts and everything the two of you love about eachother. A scrap book is like only 7 bucks at a dollarstore so it's both cheap and sentimental :)


  • 1 decade ago

    Why do people always think they have to go to the store and buy something?

    You don't have much money, so what you can buy isn't likely to be very exciting. Make her something instead--time = money, the amount of time (which you may actually have) it takes to make something means you spent that time thinking about her instead of reaching into your wallet and throwing cash at someone.

    Go to your local public library--they will have lots of books on crafts, even for beginners.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well since you havent seen her all that much you should most definitly see if you can leave school on or before her birthday. Spending time with someone you love could mean way more than an expensive gift. Give her a nice card, a soothing massage and maybe just give her your last cash. Tell her treat herself to something nice!

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