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Richard asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Can I do the same thing as the UN does and censure all the pro-man made global warming people?

For the second time this week, the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) was kicked off the press schedule for the United Nations' climate conference in Bali, Indonesia.

“Earlier in the week, UN officials in Bali closed down the ICSC's first press conference there. Black interrupted the press conference and demanded the scientists immediately cease. She threatened to have the police physically remove them from the premises.”

Black is Barbara Black; Black is NGO liaison officer for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bali.

Yep nothing like winning a debate by making sure the other side can’t say anything. You might not like what they say, but they should have at least been able to say it.


To These must be some really dumb scientists.

So the "consensus" that the pro-man -made global warming people keep talking about excludes people who disagree? Well that's one way to get a consensus, but you don't get good science that way.

Update 2:

sorry it was meant for Dana1981, Master of Science , Sorry the into was from another answer.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wish more people understood how the propaganda machine works. One of the first steps is to squelch any dissenting views.

    Anybody who thinks the UN isn't woefully corrupt and filled with hypocritical elitists needs a prompt lobotomy.

    Source(s): Selectively funded science
  • 1 decade ago

    What do you expect from an organization that appoints repressive dictatorships to "chair" human rights committees!

    Other than some humanitarian aid programs --- there is little else of value taking place inside the UN. However they do have an excellent training program for "How To EMBEZZLE" UN funding without getting caught!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, if you want to hold a meeting and don't want people to come to your meeting and spread lies, feel free to exclude them. If it's your meeting, then it's your right to exclude whoever you want.

    Or you can do the same thing here. Some global warming deniers like the first answerer here block anyone who disagrees with them so they can't answer their questions. Hypocrisy? You be the judge.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure - just block people who disagree with you.

    Then you will have 99.9% of responders believe what you say, just like what the UN does!

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you pay for the microphone, you can deny anybody you want the right to use it. At least, that's Ronald Reagan's opinion.

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