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Auto insurance questions, please help!?

My son was hit by an eighteen wheeler yesterday, my truck is totaled and,he was taken to the hospital with injuries, I found out that my insurance was cancelled, and my son had no licence. The other driver has insurance, will his insurance cover my son's injuries and my vehicle even though my son was uninsured with no licence?

12 Answers

  • Jifr
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    What STATE you are in makes a difference.

    For the most part though - if the OTHER driver is determined to be 100% at fault - he and/or his insurance company would be responsible for your vehicle and your son's injuries.

    There will be repurcussions for no license and no insurance but those repurcussions will come from the State - not the insurance company. The insurance company is not the governing body and can not assess penalties for those civil violations.

    If your son is at fault or shares some portion of liability - the no insurance issue will come into play and make him and/or you personally financially responsible.

    In some states he would be responsible for his percentage of fault - pure comparative. In other states, his percentage of fault makes a difference on whether or not he can collect and what percentage, if any, he can collect. Negligence jurisdictions are not what you want to talk about right now, though so.....I think I might have given you the answer to your question above already.

    best o'luck to you and your son.


    Source(s): insurance professional 10+ years
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    In the state of Nevada (where I handle claims), even though someone is specifically excluded under the insurance policy, the insurance company must provide coverage up to at least the minimum limits. Case law has determined this is the situation, because the injured party is entitled to some benefit. Even if you son has no driver's license, he is still able to get into the car and drive it. The insurance company still has exposure. Sorry, wish it could be a different answer, but if you were the person who was hit by your son, even as an excluded driver, you would be thankful some coverage was there.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a question best answered by your lawyer. Get an attorney who is familiar with auto insurance claims.

    IMO, the truck driver would be at fault and his insurance company should have to pay, but they WILL fight it.

    Get that lawyer and watch out for 'pro bono' offers. It would be better for you to just pay a flat fee rather than to share the payment. Lawyers commonly take 60% or more of insurance settlements if not on fee basis.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are going to fight you tooth and nail. There are two major violations here and before it's all over you and your son both may well be ticketed. Insurance companies will grab any opportunity they can not to pay. If there was damages to the truck his insurance company may well try and collect from you for damages. In most if not all states you must have car insurance, they have that law for a good reason. I hope your sons injuries are not life threatening and recovers some. Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ouch. Well, it doesn't matter if you have insurance or not since it was not your son's fault. But almost 100% of the companies I personally deal with will not cover a claim of any sort if the person driving (no matter who was at fault) has no license. People don't understand how important insurance and maintaining your license is!!!! How could your son know he didn't have a license?

  • 5 years ago

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    RE :Auto insurance questions, please help!?

    My son was hit by an eighteen wheeler yesterday, my truck is totaled and,he was taken to the hospital with injuries, I found out that my insurance was cancelled, and my son had no licence. The other driver has insurance, will his insurance cover my son's injuries and my vehicle even though my son was uninsured with no licence?

    Follow 10 answers

  • oy vey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, this is precisely why you have insurance. This is the scenario that gives the insurance company a bad wrap. It's not their fault that the insurance cancelled. It's not their fault your son was driving without a license. It's not their fault that you allowed this. While I hope your son is ok, you are out of luck. Hopefully you have medical insurance to cover his hospital bills.

  • 1 decade ago

    Regardless of whether insurance is required in your state, In the eyes of the other insurance company, your son should not have been driving with no license. If he was not driving, he would not have been in the accident.

    I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you would need a really good lawyer to win this one.

  • bill a
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No. It will cover the other driver. The only thing your son can expect is hospital bills a citation for driving with no license and a citation for no insurance. ( You might get one of those to.) Oh yes your son will also be given a date to see the Judge in court to explain why he was driving with no license and no insurance. Sorry. There is no sugar coating this. Time to pay the piper.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe not. It depends on what state you are in.

    Also, it's going to depend on who's actually at fault for this accident. If it's your son, YOU could be looking and some massive bills, that YOU will have to pay out of pocket.

    Source(s): agent, 21+ years
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