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auspicious_carrot asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

What is the deal with Kitties and showers?

As we all know most cats hate getting wet. They however seem to be fascinated with showers. What is the big deal the motion of the water the sound. I hope some one knows this one.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are just curious and trying to learn about their 'world' the best they can.

    Our kitten loves to dip his paws in the bathwater. I know he'll grow out of doing that, eventually.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My cat loves to go between the curtain and the liner when I'm in the shower. She sometimes sticks her head around, and doesn't mind getting wet.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in many circumstances cats do no longer want bathing and could sparkling themselves without your help. if your cat has walked in something stinky although, attempt taking a heat damp washcloth and wiping off her feet (or whereever else would desire to be grimy). i does no longer attempt putting her in a limited area and pouring water on her, by way of fact that would desire to be traumatizing to her, somewhat if she has a prior reason to have a particular dislike for water. If she's completely lined in something disgusting (rolled in it, have been given somethign poured on her, etc), placed a kitty harness on her, and placed her interior the kitchen sink and carry her with one hand and gently spray her with the different hand. The water would desire to be heat adequate so she isn't shivering, yet no longer so warm as to be uncomfortable (spray it on the interior your wrist to attempt). additionally, do no longer spray her face. Afterwards wrap her up in a dry towel and carry her. exchange towels often so as that she drys off and remains heat. do no longer attempt to blow dry your cat. she would be in a position to freak out, and if she has any claws in any respect will probable rip you to shreds (that's adventure talking right here, lol). Untimately although, she's a cat and could shelter herself. heat damp washcloth if something. reliable success!

  • 1 decade ago

    My cat sits by the bath tub and meows angrily at the water. He then waits until I get out so he can lick the human flavored water.

    I love cats. They can be so weird!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry one of my cats love water to and it could be a phase or a they just love it because of the texture or comfort it brings him cats are mysterious and are very eccentric

    Source(s): Simply me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thy drink the water from faucets im guesse thy prolly juz think the shower is a really big faucet an water thers one cat on myspacce videos that loves water u can see him swimmen around plain in a tub full of wwater

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah, my cat usually comes up to see me while im taking a shower. he just kinda sniffs the air and hops onto the edge of the bath. i think he just wants water or something maybe?

    i love kitties.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a mystery, I think cats, knowing that you are safe in there, they feel safe their. We even put two large marbles in our tile shower and our two play hockey i their spare time. It is a heck of a racket in the middle of the night, but if they are havoc's worth the noise!

    We did have a cat who, on a leash, liked to wade into the koi pond of our condominium! They are all individuals, some like showers, others like bathtubs (empty) of course.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well i have to cats and both of them HATE the shower or any water just to drink it but we tie baby socks to there paws of pet-co and petsmart sell these rubber claw caps so when you give them a bath or shower they can't claw you.

  • 1 decade ago

    cats are dumb as posts, they probably make sand castles in their little box when you're not home. ADDH for kitties!

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