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Am I right to be upset, or is it hormones?

So Im almost 12 weeks pregnant and I've had some problems with my husband adjusting to the idea of having a baby. Lately the past few weeks or so he has been playing Second Life for hours and hours on end from when he gets home till he would sneak into bed at 2am.

I started getting suspicious that something was going on when he would hide the computer screen everytime I would walk by, I knew he was playing that game but he would open his email or a website over it so he could cover it. I thought something was up, I asked him about it, he said it was nothing. So I got on the game myself and looked up his profile.

After finding the mention of a girl in his profile, I looked her up too and found pictures of the two of them doing....."things" and not so nice normal things that you do with just friends either.

I realize its a game but it really hurts me to see that, and now im kind of sorry that I looked.

I dont know what to do or what to say to him. :(


We've been married for a little over a year and I realize it could be worse, he could be cheating with this girl in person. But it still hurts so much to know that he prefers to spend all his time with her ont he damn computer than with me. Im misserable enough being pregnant on my own without him doing this.

Update 2:

To Peggy S. This didnt start until after I found out I was pregnant. Also this pregnancy wasnt planned, it was a miracle Ive been told it wasnt a possibility.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cyber sex? You have a right to be upset. Maybe it's just an internet thing, but he's going to great odds to hide the screen & keep you fron discovering his conversations. He's also devoting all of his time to the game & his online girlfriend (face it, that's what she is), when he should be spending time with you. It's ok if he played this game for an hour or two a day, but since he's doing it almost nonstop I'd be upset. Some people say that you shouldn't be angry about cyber sex, but stuff like that has a tendency to become reality sex or at the very least an emotional affair. Who knows what he's telling this girl? Since he's talking to her instead of you, this has gone beyond the simple internet friend into an internet mistress IMHO.

    Talk to him & let him know that you are aware of what he's doing. If you don't let him know that you discovered his internet infidelity he'll continue to do it & possibly even cheat on you in real life. You may also want to contact this girl & let her know that her "friend" is married, with a baby on the way. She may not know about this & assume that he's either single or worse... that he's telling her that you two are seperated or getting ready to. Do NOT let him pawn this off as hormones. This is unacceptable even if you weren't pregnant.

  • 1 decade ago

    OH MY goodness! GET to a marriage counselor as FAST as you can!!! I have not heard of the game you mentioned, but it kind of sounds like a place for a "virtual" affair. There could be a LOT of different reasons your husband is doing this. Having an affair of ANY kind (sexual, mental or even virtual) is only a symptom of a much bigger problem.

    If you are not sure how to approach this particular situation, then I would wait and get an appt with a therapist. When you bring up therapy to your husband, make sure that you don't sound like you are going because he is doing things that are upsetting you. Let him know that you are feeling a little scared and insecure about being pregnant, and that you would like him to come with you so you can share with him some of the things that you are feeling. When you get to the therapist - that is the time to mention to him that you are feeling neglected and a little upset that he is spending so much time online. Ask him if he is having any issues or fears that he would like to discuss regarding having the baby. Or is there something else wrong? If at some point the opportunity presents itself, then I would bring up the fact that you looked at his profile and saw some pictures that were unsettling to you - especially in the current state you are in. I would not do this at home or with just the two of you. This is something that needs to be handled and managed by a professional. I do hope that you are willing to take that step - because if you don't - I fear that things will only get worse, and this is NOT the time in your life for you to be feeling like this. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since the pregnancy was a surprise, and your husband is having trouble adjusting to the idea, it sounds as though he is involved in the virtual game world as a "safe" escape from reality.

    However, what he is doing is avoidance, and not facing things head on will cause more trouble down the road. I agree with the poster who said get to a marriage counselor. And if he refuses to go with you, go alone.

    Try and talk to him about this in a mature way - don't be accusatory. Don't attack him or make him feel defensive. Just say you want to know how he feels and then listen.

    And plan some fun activities for the two of you away from the computer to rekindle your togetherness.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, I know alot of ppl that play that game as well as other games like that, 2 of my friends lost there husbands to women on that game, thats right there husbands left there wives for the women that met on a stupid game!! Why am I tell you this you ask? Not to hurt you, or worry you, but to inform you that as harmless as it may seem games like that have a effect on your rl. If i was you if confront your man tell him how you feel about this, just so you know there are ways he can or even you block this girl from talking to him while he is playing....but just because he blocks her dont mean there wont be another girl if he is going to play and you dont care if he does then make him come to bed earlier then 2am...block this woman....makes sure she is kept blocked. In most cases I would just brush something like this off because its not like he is cheating irl...however I have seen first hand what this can do to a relationship and you have a baby on the way so it would not be good to have everything go down hill now. Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's not good, but know that she's probably some gamer chick who's not a physical threat to you. Yeah, I'd just come out and say , "Hey (insert his name) what's up w/ those poses I saw on your computer? Ya know that's not cool right? Do I have to put the computer on lockdown b/c you can't handle it? Or is there something more we need to talk about?"

    this will get the ball rolling to find out what he's thinking. New babies are just as hard mentally on a husband then it is for the wife. He's freaking out because now that a baby is coming he needs to grow up, but there's always compromise w/ everything. Find out why he's acting so lovey dovey w/ some cyber character. And let him know it's gonna stop.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know what ...when husbands do this they need to lose their toys. I would tell him the fun is over and its time to grow up because we are going to be parents. Let him know that you want him to spend quality time with you because .... you both only have six months of ever being alone like this again. Because after that you will be having a house guest for the next 21 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would be upset too. You need him more than ever. You need to have a nice one on one chat with him about this. I guess it could be worse; he could be out at the bars until 2am. I still think he is crossing that line into the "danger zone." He needs to act like an adult and start being there for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not over reacting. I would ask him how he would feel if I were doing the same thing. Then I would tell him that it is disrespectful to me, and that if it continued, I would be leaving. He knows that he is doing wrong or he would not be hiding it.

    If you knew that this was going on, why didn't you stop it befoe you got pregnant.?

  • CM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like an emotional affair to me. Did you see where she lives? If she lives far away then he probably won't cheat but if she lives close I would worry. I agree with you though. I think if given the chance he would cheat. I would ask him about her, but do not do it in a mean or hateful way. Go to him and talk to him about it. Tell him how hurt and disappointed that you are. If he does not care or continues in his current state I would leave him.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes you should be upset, because right now he should be trying to help you out and just be there for you you are still on your honeymoon. tell him that this is unacceptable behavior and that it hurts your feelings. that would hurt anybodys feelings. tell him it's like he is ignoring you all together. and that is so sad. my husband loved it when i was pregnant just so he could spoil me. i have 4 beautiful children. but anyway communication is very important talk to him. you can do it and you'll feel better too.

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