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How many Christians are aware of this persecution?

A pastor who prays before city council meetings, a council of which he is part, is now forbidden to pray in Jesus name, due to the mythological separation of church and state.

Christians: Are you aware of this, or other incidents similar? What is your opinion?

Here is a link to the story:


Here is a link to an in-depth Washington Post article (of all places).

Update 2:

Actually, I would suggest you read up on the Founding Fathers. If you like I could provide a plethora of quotes that establish the Christian basis of the Constitution and the Christian background & intent of all but 4 of the Founding Fathers.

Update 3:

The Everson case may have established the separation, but that is far different from original intent of the framers.

39 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus said as they hated/persecuted Me,they will hate/persecute you also.

    But be of good cheer for I have overcome this world.

    This just lines up with Bible prophecy.

    They're will be many to fall away from sound doctrine,giving head to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.

    In the end times,their hearts will grow cold.

    Keep running the race Brother.

    Jesus is coming Very Very Soon.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible Jesus is Lord.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Statutes of barriers variety with city, municipality, and state. If it became seen a federal offense, there is not any statute of barriers. until or until it come out what form of warrant it became, you may no longer declare persecution. BTW - if she has a warrant surprising like that and became arrested on it, it is possibly she became very militant, to the ingredient of assaulting somebody - a affected person attending the health center, a physician or team, or a police officer. perhaps you're able to desire to evaluate what those poor females could desire to pass by using, with you militant christians spitting on them, hitting them, calling them whores and worse. They already have a annoying determination that some by no potential recover from- so style of you to make issues worse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am very aware of this that is going on, and it has been going on for awhile now. God has told us what would happen in the end times, and we are certainly there NOW.

    But, God tells us how this will all end.

    We have the victory in all things, when we belong to Jesus.

    Hold on to your faith. All this happening only means that Jesus is coming soon.

    Many things like this are happening that remove the rights of all Christians, YET at the same time , more rights are given to every other religion.

    Hold on to your faith and remember Jesus loves you and so do I.

    Source(s): Jesus loves you and so do I.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The separation of church and state is not mythological, it's Constitutional. Religion is mythology.

    What business does this guy have to drag Jesus into a secular meeting? Even if everyone on the city council is Christian, the whole town surely isn't. And even if they are, what has Jesus got to do with the daily operation of the city?

    You're out of line here--frankly, it would be persecution to anyone who wasn't Christian to subject him/her to this.

    Remember that Jesus said "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." This is what he was talking about.

    Edit: I checked the Washington Post article (and why would this surprise you? This is news; they report news.) Here is one of the many bizarre quotes from this minister: "America, he says, was founded on 'God-fearingness. Our fore-fathers set us up based on Christian values and belief. And you can research that. It's there.'"

    Actually, if you research it, you would find that many of the Founding Fathers, Franklin, Jefferson and Washigton most notably, seriously questioned the divinity of Christ. Jefferson, in fact, ridiculed the idea. If you research it, it's there. They also did not mention any supreme being or deity in the Constitution. Since that is the foundation of our government, how does one make a statement that the United States is founded on Christian beliefs?

    Stuff like this is why other industrialized nations think we're idiots. They do not understand this fundamentalist mentality that has taken over our country. Frankly, neither do I.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think he is either allowed to pray to God or not at all. As part of the city council, if they allow him to pray, he should be allowed to pray to whichever god he chooses. That is discrimination towards Christians and not other religions (that of which were allowed to pray out loud, infront of everybody as well). Either let him pray to the god that he chooses, or no body prays. If everybody had a chance to pray, they should be allowed to pray to whichever god they like.

    It seems to me that you can pray to "god", but not specifically the Christian God. That is wrong.

    It also seems to me that half the people who answered didn't read the article. EVERYONE took turns praying at every meeting, and this man ended the prayer in "Jesus' name" and all of a sudden it was politically incorrect. But everyone else is allowed to pray however they wish. If they were so offended by it, they should take prayer before the meetings out completely.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I did not know this, but it doesn't surprise me. We are near end times, and we are going to be persecuted more and more no matter what. Satan's time is short, and he is doing everything possible to stop every Christian. We need to stand our ground, and keep praying, and keep fighting for the truth. God bless you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I fail to see how this is persecution. If the pastor was having rock thrown through his window with notes stating "no praying at council", that would be persecution.

    However, requesting "secular prayer" at a secular meeting which may be made up of a multicultural assembly is in no way persecution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Something is getting by me here . Do you mean that they're permitted to pray , so long as the name Jesus is not mentioned ?

    Any praying of any kind is religious , there's no separation there .

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is such a simple solution to all this..... those who want to pray, should pray before walking into the meetings or what ever..... God hears them, in or out of the meeting area..... In fact, I would suggest this to everyone who prays !!!!! Pray BEFORE anything, pray for strength, clear thought, Gods will, etc.......... People think all this is new, it is NOT !!!! People have been stoned for less....... Jesus died for MORE !!!!!! Jesus did NOT need a crowd to pray to His Father !!!!! in fact the Bible says to enter our prayer closets and to NOT be like the pharasies..... saying our prayers for others to hear..... this country and any other can pass all the laws they want..... I will pray when ever, where ever I want..... I pray to God NOT man !!!!! go in peace........ God bless

  • Yogini
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a Christian, I'm a theistic Buddhist but I'm sure you have Muslims, Jews, Pagans, etc on these councils. I think it is disrespectful to all other religions and to those who don't believe in God. I don't think rights are being taken, the rights of all are being protected. There is an appropriate place to do these things and it's not at a public meeting. I doubt if anyone would be happy if I prayed in Krishna's name.

    Source(s): Most of us have no earthly idea what it is to be persecuted. I think you should examine the degree of your world view.
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